Challenges Of Having A New Erp System

  1. Challenges Of Having A New Erp System In Business
  2. Challenges Of Having A New Erp System In The Philippines
  3. Challenges Of Having A New Erp System In The World

An ERP system allows an organization to run a synchronized configuration that connects all the business processes. There are some challenges in ERP implementation that one needs to take into account before implementing an ERP Systems. Here is a list of all the ERP challenges an organization faces while implementing. Common Challenges of ERP Software Implementation. Or, you avoiding implementation of an ERP at all costs. While the challenges are real, they shouldn’t stop you from implementing one. In this post, we’ll cover some of the challenges of ERP implementations. Knowing these ERP challenges upfront could mean the difference between a successful and a nightmare of an implementation experience.

There are many benefits of ERP software, which include improved productivity, increased efficiencies, decreased costs and streamlined processes.

By: Annie EvansAs an Implementation Manager for, I regularly work with schools that are adopting new technologies. I’ve witnessed successful implementations, and also not-so-fabulous ones.

Below are of some of the biggest challenges, and a few ideas about how to manage them for great results.1. Avoiding Technology for Technology’s SakeThe wow-factor of cool tools won’t last long, so how can you be sure you’re left with something useful? Ask yourself questions like, “What problem(s) does this solve for my school?” And, “Does this have added value compared to a low-tech alternative?”2.

Challenges Of Having A New Erp System

Creating a VisionWhy do schools with the same technology experience drastically different results? Who will use the technology? How will they use it? What’s the goal? How will you measure progress? Johns hopkins patient portal. Start with a small, focused implementation instead of trying to use one tool to solve every problem for everyone.3. Money, Money, MoneyBe creative with funding sources.

Will the new tech benefit SPED students? Can you use it for your after-school program, too? Always check the guidelines for the specific funding source, but it’s often possible to meet several needs with one implementation.4. Professional DevelopmentGood professional development will provide you with more than how-tos and button-clicking. Look for PD that will inspire teachers, share best practices, and guide your implementation to success. Don’t forget to provide on-going professional development to address challenges later in the implementation.5.

Get Everyone OnboardEvery implementation seems to have a couple naysayers who try to bring down the rest of the group (and sometimes succeed). Help prevent this by including teachers early on in the selection and planning process. Provide an opportunity for teachers to express concerns in a productive way, offer individual coaching, and set clear expectations for usage.6. Scheduling for SuccessAllocating technology resources is easily one of the biggest challenges of any implementation. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, so be creative. And consider: Will the technology always be scheduled, or is it also available for impromptu use?

Will students go to the tech, or will it come to their classrooms? Does every student need access, or just certain groups? Make the most of every minute by scheduling use before and after school.7.

Systems and ProceduresHow will devices be charged? What happens if something isn’t working or breaks? Will students be allowed to print or access other hardware? Organization is key to success, so ensure that all teachers understand the ground rules. Label EVERYTHING, post reminders on tech carts or around the lab, and schedule someone to routinely maintain equipment.8.

Challenges Of Having A New Erp System In Business

Unlocking Student MotivationWhen the shiny has worn off, and technology has become the norm for students, how will you keep them motivated? Will students receive a grade for their work? Can you sponsor a contest between classes for the highest usage or most growth? Perhaps if students meet their goals they can participate in a special activity. Consider what your students value most, and use it to your advantage. Older students often crave social time, so find a way for them to earn breaks.

Younger students might be motivated by competition, Tootsie Pops, or extra recess.9. Data and Progress MonitoringRemember the vision you created for your implementation? Don’t forget to follow-up on your goals. Regular progress monitoring is one of the biggest keys to a successful technology program.

Challenges Of Having A New Erp System In The Philippines

Are teachers meeting expectations? Are students demonstrating success and making progress toward their goals? Is usage what you expected?

Challenges Of Having A New Erp System In The World

Why or why not? Routinely monitor program data and communicate successes and areas for improvement with your teachers.10. Happily Ever After: Maintaining the EnthusiasmMost schools have new programs and initiatives every year, but don’t lose sight of your existing goals. If you had a successful first year, plan to expand and improve in year two. If you didn’t meet your goals, what needs to change? Communicate goals and expectations to teachers and provide on-going professional development to move beyond the basics.This list was originally posted on the blog.CompassLearning is a Getting Smart Advocacy Partner.