Elfbot Heal Exura San

  1. Elfbot Heal Exura Sand
  2. Elfbot Heal Exura San Mateo

Flash user- Lv180Chat off mode(In chat on, 1 keys are F1 keys, F1 keys are shift+f1 keys and the other keys are mapped on ctrl+f keys)Left Hotkey bar-Most of the time i use exura gran for healing, but when im hunting stronger creatures or facing lots of them i use Gran San + Pot(press 2 and 3) with just one hand and heals me enough to keep doing my stuff.(btw im left handed). Spirit potion3. Exura Gran San4.

Mana Potion5. GREAT Spirit potion6. Equip Stone Skin Amulet7. Equip Might Ring8. Equip Koshei9. Equip Garlic Necklace10.

  1. Hotkeys elfbot paladin. Postado: Unknown On 05:06 auto 200 listas Mana Training mphigher 250 say exevo mas san mphigher 550 utito tempo san. Auto 100 listas.
  2. Jun 12, 2019  Mages Healing SPELLS for Cavebotting: auto 100 if $hppc = 73 say 'Exura' auto 100 if $hppc = 56 say 'Exura Gran'.

Properties Heal Friend exura sio 'name' Effect Heals a specified player. This can also be used on yourself. Notes This spell is really useful if you are hunting with a knight because you can heal him by saying Exura Sio "Player Name.

Equip Dwarven ringR- Exori sanT- Exori Gran ConF-Exori cong- Exevo mas sanh-utito tempo sany- Use Party Trumpet/Utori san (kinda swap em)V- Use Area Rune-Crosshair (avalanche, GFB, thunderstorm. As much as i can say is, all of these hotkeys above my post are rubbish. I guess you have to find your own. But here is some advice:use shift + f's and ctrl + f's for the stronger version of the spell/skill.Put everything you can think of to your hotkey list.Group them up: Potions, healing spells/runes, support runes should be together.

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Attacks should be together, supporting spells should be together. For example about this: f1, shift+f1, ctrl+f1 heal, f2. Supporting runes, f4. Supporting spells on and on.Write down your hotkey list to a notepad, print-screen the window and put the image to your desktop. This way you could memorize it. You can write to a piece of paper and contain it close to your monitor.Put exani hur up and down to same hother. For example shift+f12 up, ctrl+f12 is down because ctrl is bottom position of shift.CTRL+J is for swapping between hotkey presets.


You can make hotkey presets for different occasions like PVE (two different as off-tank/dps), PVP, questing.And please you share your hotkeys too!Here is mine main DPS hotkey preset:f1 exura san sf1 exura gran san cf1 utito tempo sanf2 utani hur sf2 utura (or gran, i don't have it yet)f3 GSP sf3 SMPf4 EQ SSA sf4 EQ might ring cf4 fire/energy bomb(to self)f5 exori gran con sf5 exori con cf5 SDf6 exori san sf6 utori san cf6 exevo mas sanf7 magic wall sf7 poison field/wall/bomb cf7 exiva 'paraf8 tool for rope+shovel+pick. Sf8 exani teraf9 exana pox sf9 exana mort.f12 money sf12 exani hur 'up cf12 exani hur 'down. Lmfao thats way to many buttons to press for some key spells to use, but like you said whatever works best for you.Originally posted by Kutat Kubilik on 21:41:32: As much as i can say is, all of these hotkeys above my post are rubbish. I guess you have to find your own. But here is some advice: use shift + f's and ctrl + f's for the stronger version of the spell/skill.

Put everything you can think of to your hotkey list. Group them up: Potions, healing spells/runes, support runes should be together. Attacks should be together, supporting spells should be together. For example about this: f1, shift+f1, ctrl+f1 heal, f2. potions, f3. Supporting runes, f4. Supporting spells on and on.

Elfbot Heal Exura Sand

Write down your hotkey list to a notepad, print-screen the window and put the image to your desktop. This way you could memorize it.

You can write to a piece of paper and contain it close to your monitor. Put exani hur up and down to same hother. For example shift+f12 up, ctrl+f12 is down because ctrl is bottom position of shift. CTRL+J is for swapping between hotkey presets. You can make hotkey presets for different occasions like PVE (two different as off-tank/dps), PVP, questing. And please you share your hotkeys too! Here is mine main DPS hotkey preset: f1 exura san sf1 exura gran san cf1 utito tempo san f2 utani hur sf2 utura (or gran, i don't have it yet) f3 GSP sf3 SMP f4 EQ SSA sf4 EQ might ring cf4 fire/energy bomb(to self) f5 exori gran con sf5 exori con cf5 SD f6 exori san sf6 utori san cf6 exevo mas san f7 magic wall sf7 poison field/wall/bomb cf7 exiva 'para f8 tool for rope+shovel+pick.

Sf8 exani tera f9 exana pox sf9 exana mort. f12 money sf12 exani hur 'up cf12 exani hur 'down.

Elfbot Heal Exura San Mateo

You are totally wrong guys.best healing as high level paladin (or even +80) would be great spirit potion+exura/+exura gran san (+utura gran obviously)That's because the low price on gsp costing even less than a strong mana potion (80gps each) so the health part is basically free and you heal more than enough while regaining full mana till the next pull. So there you go, welcome to valuegamesYou just stop using strong manas forever.meaning more cap, longer and more efficient hunts and it justs makes you tankier healing like 500=? For each exura?.