Katawa Shoujo Best Route


Hirato:but then I realize that those “crippled” girls are just normal girls too.Quite honestly, that’s one of the main things I was looking forward to the most with Katawa Shoujo, and even though I’m still in the common route (haven’t even met Rin or Emi yet), I can already see that. I don’t see Shizune as “that deaf/dumb girl,” I see her as the confident and capable class rep/student council president. I don’t see Lilly as “that blind girl,” I see her as a sweet and caring girl from the next class. And I don’t see Hanako as “that girl with the horribly burned face,” I see her as that shy and awkward girl who tends to keep to herself in the back of the class. They are not defined by their disabilities, they are defined by who they are as people, and that’s what I’m liking about it. Oh I forgot about this topic.

Summary: Katawa Shoujo is a visual novel designed by Four Leaf Studios, released in 2012. Hisao Nakai, a normal teenage boy, has his life turned upside down when a long-dormant Cardiac dysrhythmia forces him to move to a fictional school for disabled children, Yamaku High. Author TSN Recommends Posted on 24 August, Katawa Shoujo is a free visual. Ask for recommendations on games with the best romance routes.

Katawa Shoujo was a decent visual novel. It’s definitely a good start into VNs in general, and has a pretty nice premise to it. Of course it wasn’t anything amazing as far as VNs go, but it was nice.I remember me and my girlfriend were able to make a non-nudity patch (because skipping the sex scenes still has nude sprites) which makes it essentially safe to play at work/school.

Didn’t ever end up releasing that anywhere. I wonder if I have a copy of it, if anybody’s interested. I liked KS when I read it, but that was before I read Key-VNsBy now I think that it could do much better, because the premise isn’t half bad and the girls are all pretty likeable (some more and some less: Emi top, Shizune yeah)Funny thing is, there’s a fan-written on the KS forums from the perspective of the girl, and that Route is better than some of the “official” routes imhoThrough KS I also stumbled across Missing Stars, another western VN with a similar theme, but it’s mental issues instead of physical like in KS. It’s been in development for a few years, we’ll see if it ever gets finished.

I think of Katawa Shoujo as “Baby’s First VN” it’s really easy to get into,and lets you get a grasp on basic concepts you’ll be seeing in future VN’s. Naturally the fact that it even exists is amazing considering where it came from,so if you take that into account,it’s alot better than what it COULD have been. Certainly not,but it is an entertaining and enjoyable experience,and personally I think is worth your time.I have also come to be the Stalwart hero Shizune needs,but not the one she deserves.DEAF WAIFU BEST WAIFU.

Started reading it a short while ago, finished the bad ending as well as Shizune and Rin’s endings. Shizune’s route was pretty bad, lot of wasted potential, but I enjoyed Rin’s. Windows 10 skype problems. Just started on Emi.

Overall I like it just fine, not incredibly amazing but not god awful or anything like that. I think one has to remember that it was a small group of people who made it as a past time, not a major company like Key, so can’t really expect it to have a lot of production value or anything like that. And for what it is, and the fact that they were able to finish something like this I think is a pretty big accomplishment and quite a feat.

Katawa Shoujo is pretty much the third visual novel I’ve ever read (and after reading Little Busters! And Rewrite, of all VNs, at that). It’s been a while since I read it, and I don’t know if I want to revisit it, but I did remember enjoying it a lot.I don’t think I can pick a favorite character – I think I’m torn between Rin (a love at first sight) and Shizune (who totes warmed up to me) – but I can say for sure that Lilly had the best ending.

Katawa Shoujo Best Route

That ending is total love. Likewise, I don’t think I can pick a favorite route without revisiting it. Coincidentally, Rin’s and Shizune’s themes are also my favorites.Meanwhile, Hanako route contained the best CG in the game. Call me weird, but I personally love this more than the sunset field scene. And the sunset field scene is glorious, I agree.:))As for the story itself, I can’t really judge it right now – I might get a different impression on the writing if I read it again.

However, I still appreciate the effective thematic exploration that the story offered. It doesn’t really hide it – this is meant to be a collection of character stories meant to portray PWDs as human beings with agency.And agency plays a big role in the story: Hisao feared that being treated as a PWD would take away his agency, until he became acquainted to these girls. Practially every one of the girls already found their agency in the story (though in the case of Hanako, her struggle is that she wants her agency to be recognized, but everyone keeps pitying her). Through knowing these girls, Hisao eventually realizes pretty much that.And there are a lot of efforts made to show that agency: in their passions, their relationships, the way they handle a sad past or a situation, and heck, even their h-scenes. And I personally found the h-scenes to be pretty tasteful because of what it meant in the story.Meanwhile, if there’s anything I dislike in the story, it’s Kenji and Shizune’s dad. To the point that I get triggered every time I hear the percussive intro of Kenji’s theme.

Katawa Shoujo Best Route

AAAAAAAAA.The art is jarringly inconsistent, but I appreciate its aesthetics regardless. The music is either quite beautiful, or doesn’t really stand out.In any case, I think the story succeeds in what it wants to do, and I can appreciate that. BlackHayate02:this is meant to be a collection of character stories meant to portray PWDs as human beings with agency.I noticed that right from the start, especially how we got to learn about the girls. Yes, some of the first things we noticed were stuff like Rin eating with her feet or Emi’s lack there of, but we quickly get to know them for who they are, not by what’s wrong with them. I didn’t give a shit that one side of Hanako’s face looks like a slab of bacon or that for a while, all of Shizune’s dialogue was spoken through Misha.

Katawa Shoujo Guide

They don’t pretend their disabilities aren’t there, but it’s far more than that. I played through Hanako and Lilly’s routes recently (Lilly best grill) and I was thinking this had the potential to be a really, really good VN.

When the characters shared tea at the Shanghai it managed to give me that weird sense of nostalgia that very few VNs are able to do. And then I played Emi’s route and was kind of shit.

The route can basically be summarized as just “Hey, let’s fuck.” “Hey, I want to be an attention whore and shut out everyone around me.”“But Emi, I love you!”“Oh okay, forget everything this route was all about!”I still have Rin’s route ahead of me, which I’m assuming will be interesting in its own special way. Lastly Shizune’s route, which I’ve heard mixed things about.This VN really had a lot of momentum in my eyes until I played the Emi route. If every route was as good as Hanako and Lilly then this would have been in my top 3 VNs.