Payday 2 Blue Armor
All Discussions. Certain skins such as black armor and navy blue armor are exclusively dropped from crime spree games, and I'm wondering how or when.
Two-Piece SuitStatisticsArmor20Concealment30Speed36.8Dodge+5Steadiness11Stamina51.3UnlockUnlocked by defaultNo movement penalty, no visibility.This is the standard two-piece suit that any self-respecting criminal should wear.It provides no extra protection but has the highest concealment factor, making it the best choice for a heist where you want to go undetected and blend into the crowd.Suits are usually reserved for special occasions, such as weddings, funerals and bank robberies. Lightweight Ballistic VestStatisticsArmor50Concealment26Speed35.9Dodge-5Steadiness11.5Stamina50UnlockReputation 7Little movement penalty, low visibility.The lightweight ballistic vest is easy to wear, concealable bullet proof vest. It offers a specially developed trauma liner which provides effective blunt trauma protection, making it a good choice to protect yourself.Lightweight ballistic vests are used by dignitaries and VIP's, sky marshals as well as executive and diplomatic security professionals. Flak JacketStatisticsArmor90Concealment18Speed26.3Dodge-20Steadiness13.8Stamina42.5UnlockReputation 21Medium movement penalty, medium visibility.The flak jacket by GenSec Security Industries is a modern take on the classic version. It absorbs the impact from firearm projectiles and shrapnel from explosions.It combines a heavy ballistic vest with shoulder and side protection armor components, offering spine protection as well.Flak jackets are worn by Marines, combat soldiers and GenSec FTSU task forces. Combined Tactical VestStatisticsArmor110Concealment12Speed22.8Dodge-25Steadiness15.7Stamina40UnlockReputation 31Medium movement penalty, high visibility.The Combined Tactical Vest was developed due to the challenges of modern warfare. It is made of high performance ballistic materials and is designed to carry heavy loads, such as ammo pouches, radios and other accessories.Combined tactical vests are worn by soldiers, special forces and other organized military units across the world.
Payday 2 Armor Bag
Improved Combined Tactical VestStatisticsArmor170Concealment1Speed20.1Dodge-55Steadiness22Stamina35UnlockAcedLarge movement penalty, high visibility.The Improved Combined Tactical Vest is a stolen experimental prototype made by GenSec Security Industries.Based on White Mesa technology it uses both soft and hard armor solutions. The perfectly fitted interlocking fiber layers rightly woven together with metal plates are specially angled to deflect projectiles and shield from explosions. In short, it provides complete protection.It is not for sale and is wanted by GenSec Security Industries. Mechanics ArmorArmor value is the amount of damage that can be sustained without draining health.
Once armor is depleted, health will be drained instead. The armor value does not impact the regeneration speed of the armor (unless the Anarchist perk deck is used).and ZEAL Snipers ( only) have the ability to damage a player through the armor.Armor can be increased through the skills (+30%) and Aced (+20 points, but only applies to three armors), and can be further boosted through the (+35%), (+10%), and (+138) perk decks. Main article:Concealment works similarly to weapon concealment - higher concealment reduces the player's detection risk, while lower concealment increases the player's detection risk, changing the starting point of AI's detection in stealth and increasing/decreasing the time it takes for them to be alerted.SpeedSpeed is the speed at which the player moves. A higher speed value increases the speed of walking, running and crouch-walking. Speed can be increased with, aced, and the Perk Deck. The speed penalty of wearing armor can also be decreased through any as well as the AI Boost.DodgeDodge is the probability a ranged hit will deal no damage.
Melee attacks can also be evaded, though the knockback will still be applied. With negative dodge values one can never dodge a bullet. It's possible to boost negative armors into the positives with skills and perks.Usually, the higher the armor's armor value is, the lower its dodge value is. All armor besides the Two-Piece Suit have a negative dodge value.Unlike other values modified by skills, dodge is calculated additively. For example, Aced grants a 10% increased dodge value when sprinting. Using the suit which has a dodge chance of 5%, add 10 to that, meaning the player has a 15% chance to dodge incoming fire when sprinting.
The Perk Deck grants a 45% increased dodge value, so the player has 50% chance to dodge even while standing still (while using a suit). Adds an additional dodge value (up to 10%) based on the player's detection risk.Other upgrades to dodge are the Perk Deck (+40% dodge when wearing ballistic vests), Perk Deck (+20% dodge), Perk Deck (+15% dodge), Perk Deck (+15% passively, increased through taking hits or its ), or (+15% dodge when ziplining (although this is currently non-functional)).SteadinessSteadiness affects the amount of camera shake the player receives when damaged.At 11 steadiness, players receive the default 100% camera shake. At 22 steadiness, camera shake is reduced to 50%, and at 44 steadiness, it is further reduced to 25%, and so on, according to the formula $ shake=11/steadiness $. StaminaStamina is the length of time the player can run and jump while wearing the armor.
It can be increased via, the Perk Deck, and the AI Boost.Notes. Credit for the armor stats goes to the original creators of the.
Players can reach over 800 armor with clever use of perk decks. This is achieved by unlocking Enforcer skill to wear the ICTV (170 base armor, plus 30% from the basic Iron Man skill), and then obtaining 5% bonus from a party member's Tier 7 or higher Perk Deck, and a significant boost from the completed Anarchist perk deck. The highest Dodge value that can be reached at all times is 60%, with the Two Piece Suit (+5%), the Rogue Perk Deck (+45%) and having the full effect of (+10%). This value can be increased to 70% while sprinting (Duck and Cover Aced).
Blue Armor Coating
The Two Piece Suit and Light Ballistic Vest are the only two armors that work with the Perk Deck. On the Crimewave Edition and PS3/360 versions of the game, every armor value is increased by 30 points. For instance, the Two Piece Suit has 50 armor, and the ICTV has 200. As such, armor increasing skills/perks are applied to these values rather than the ones listed on the table above.

Since the Crimewave Edition does not (currently) contain the rebalanced Perk Deck system, the maximum amount of armor that can be reached is 340 (ICTV with 50% from Bulletproof + 20% from Armorer) and the maximum dodge while standing still is 50% (30% from Rogue + 10% from Sneaky Bastard).Armor skins.