Sql Anywhere 9 Client Download

SQL Anywhere Studio extends the reach of corporate data, information and applications to anywhere business transactions occur. It supports all Windows, Linux and Unix operating system. Download Now. Version 17 SQL Anywhere clients can connect to version 12 and later SQL Anywhere database servers. Version 17 SQL Anywhere database servers support connections from all supported TDS client versions; SAP Open Client version 15, 16, or later; and jConnect JDBC driver version 7 or later.

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Hi ALF,The database server location mechanism relies on UDP broadcasts workingbetween machines. The client sends out a UDP broadcast looking fora server, the server listening on its own UDP port, responds via UDPback to the client).If this mechanism isn't working specifically for clients on Windows 7,I'd try looking for reasons that mechanism might be not working at theOS level (including UAC security settings, and as Reimer suggested, theWindows Firewall settings -).-If you can't locate the server via UDP, you might be able to stillconnect via TCP. This can be specified on the client's connectionstring, by using the LINKS connection parameter:LINKS=TCPIP(HOST=;PORT=2638;DOBROAD=NONE)-A final note, we still have not announced official support for 9.0.2 onWindows 7:This support is still currently being evaluated by engineering.Regards,-Jeff Albion, Sybase iAnywhereiAnywhere Developer Community:iAnywhere Documentation:SQL Anywhere Patches and EBFs:Report a Bug/Open a Case:Robert Paresi17.12.09 13:32. Company of heroes cheats steam. Jeff,I am sorry it took this long to get back to you.There is nothing at all in the EVENT VIEWER.This is what we see:dbunload -v -c'UID=dba;PWD=.;DBF=C:Databaseschristyv13roommaster.db;DBKEY=ZQWUPHGI5380'-an 'C:DBroommaster.db' -ap 4096 -ea None -ii -sa -so sc638416845An error occurred while attempting to unload the database'C:Databaseschristyv13roommaster.db'.But, the exact thing works just fine on my WIN7 32-BIT machine with theexact same version loaded.-Robert'Jeff Albion Sybase iAnywhere' wrote inmessage news:4b191f67$1@forums-1-dub.Chris Keating (Sybase iAnywhere)17.12.09 16:12. Besides.what do you mean 'reinstall the 32-bit components'.This is a 64-bit OP system, and I downloaded the 64-bit Installation fromSybase and installed it, and EBF'ed it.Why am I having to do now a 32-bit installation on this machine too? Or whyare we talking about 32-bit to make the UNLOAD work?What am I missing here?-Robert'Robert Paresi' wrote in messagenews:4b2ba291$1@forums-1-dub. Hi, I'm lost - why am I copying in the 32-bit components??

Isn't this the 64-bit version of Sybase SQL Anywhere? Why am I using 32-bit components to make this work?

I guess it's not really 64-bit or something? I'm confused. Is this not a 64-bit application? -Robert 'Chris Keating (Sybase iAnywhere)' wrote in message news:4b2ba059$1@forums-1-dub.Robert Paresi18.12.09 07:41. Robert,The JRE (Java Runtime Environment) used by Sybase Central is only32-bit, making both Sybase Central and Interactive SQL both 32-bitapplications. (Noted under this footnote:). This is true forall platforms on version 9, 10 and 11, except on SA 11 for Mac wherethere was no 32-bit JRE, so we had to move to a 64-bit JRE.

Sql Anywhere 9 Client DownloadSql Anywhere 9 Client Download

Download Sql Anywhere

(Noted here:)So, when Sybase Central calls 'dbunload', it can only call the 32-bitversion of dbunload. If you copied the dbtool11.dll from the bin64directory, this is the 64-bit version and cannot be loaded by the 32-bitSybase Central application. You'll need the original bin32dbtool11.dllfile in-place before the unload from Sybase Central will work.The server components, client libraries, and command-line utilities areall compiled for 64-bit.Regards,Robert Paresi wrote: I'm lost - why am I copying in the 32-bit components??

Sql Anywhere 17 Client Download

Sql Anywhere 9 Client Download

Isn't this the 64-bit version of Sybase SQL Anywhere? Why am I using 32-bit components to make this work? I guess it's not really 64-bit or something? I'm confused. Is this not a 64-bit application?-Jeff Albion, Sybase iAnywhereiAnywhere Developer Community:iAnywhere Documentation:SQL Anywhere Patches and EBFs:Report a Bug/Open a Case:Robert Paresi18.12.09 07:51.