Starcraft 2 Arcade Zombie World
Eras Zombie Invasion GuideGuide Version: v6.233Updated on: 23 December 2018This guide is for the Starcraft II arcade game Eras Zombie Invasion (actual map name is Eras Zombie Invasion-Beta). Written by Stred. Infantry, commandos and medics.
Unlocked at Era Three. You have to upgrade your militia barracks to obtain these units. Infantry cost 2 food but only have a range of 7. Commandos have a longer range of 8 and have about 10% more dps. Howwever, commandos cost 3 food.
Medics can now clear creep (hotkey: c).Rocketeers. Unlocked at Era Four. Can attack air units and enter bunkers. Still weaker than infantry/commandos in ground attack.Pack hunters (reapers). Unlocked at Era Four. Moves fast and can hop up and down cliffs. DPS is pathetic though.Laser troopers.

Unlocked at Era Five. Best infantry for most nations. Start getting this when you can.Factory UnitsTanks. Unlocked at Era Three.
Tanks now move much more slowly and mass tanks are no longer as good as before. Germany gets Panzers which are the strongest tanks in the game. Upgraded Panzers remain useful until the Fifth Era.Terminators. Unlocked at Era Five. The mechanised equivalent of the infantry.Snipecrons. Unlocked at Era Five.
The next StarCraft 2 patch will add a new co-op mission based on the super popular Left2Die Arcade game, itself based on Outbreak. Fight off more infestations in our list of the best zombie games. Ess allegro duke nukem.
The mechanised equivalent of snipers.Mechanized tanks. Unlocked at Era Five.
What’s better than a mechanical tank? A mechanized tank of course (no not really). Mechanized tanks can be put in siege mode.Titan V’s. Unlocked at Era Five. Straight from some fantasy Sci-Fi world, the Titan V is a nothing mroe than a gigantic version of a C3PO.
It is clumsy slow, slow and stupid. Titans are great for holding borders (esepcially when levelled up with good upgrades) but cannot push very well.
Titans can be repaired with mules or repair towers. Titans have a long build time so make sure you keep some barracks around to quickly replace your troops.Airbase UnitsFighter Jets. Unlocked at Era Four. Do not build these until Era Five. If you do, the zombies will also start producing air units. When you reach Era Five, fighter jets will be needed to achieve air superiority.
Without air superiority, your bombers and missiles will be useless.Bomber Jets. Unlocked at Era Four. Bombers do less damage than tanks and the Titan V but they make up for it with speed and ease of use. Set production to auto-cast and they’ll start taking out zombie structures. It's pointless to build this as you get better heavy bombers in Era Five. Also, don't build this in Era Four or the zombies will start producing air as well.Heavy Bombers. Unlocked at Era Five.

Better than the average bomber. The zombies will never know what hit them. These bombers can be set to manual or automatic attack. These can be manually controlled to take out spores.Advanced structuresMissile Launching Station. Unlocked at Era Four. Chivalry died not long after the first zombies showed up in Europe.
Why fight fair when you can blast the zombies from afar? Missiles are great against zombie spine crawlers which can easily wreck your tanks.
Make sure you control the skies or your missiles will be shot down quickly. You can set production of missiles to auto-cast and just right click anywhere on the map to fire these missiles. (I personally find this to be a waste of food and resources.)National Space Command Centre.
Unlocked at Era Four. The zombies may be numerous, but they’re pretty dumb. They’ll never make it to space. Build satellites to grant vision of zombie occupied-territory. The zombies won’t be able to touch them.
After you’ve built your first satellite, you can put a man on the moon. (Somehow, in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, mankind is able to justify vainglorious pursuits like these.) And after that, you can research helium mining which will grant you even more income. There are a few other upgrades beyond that which increase your supply and give you various bonuses for being first.Satellites. Unlocked at Era Four. Satellites are extremely useful.
You can use them to build steel walls almost instantly. Creep disrupter will prevent creep from growing within a certain radius. You can drop mules (at Era 4) and laser troopers (at Era 5, with the required upgrade).
Satellites also give you extra income. You can only build a maximum of 5.Nuclear Launch Facility. Unlocked at Era Five. The Geneva Convention only applies to humans. Wipe out the zombies enmasse and you’re a saviour, not a genocidal maniac. One H-Bomb will wipe out everything in its extremely large area of effect.
Nuclear missiles will be shot down by zombie air units so you will need to achieve air superiority before this will work.Advanced walls and towersSteel Walls. Unlocked at Era 3. These supply depot lookalikes are stronger than your average rock wall.

They can be lowered and raise at whim and provide an excellent defense against the horde.Bunker. Unlocked at Era 3. Stick your commandos or laser troopers in there and they'll be able to go toe-to-toe with zombie bosses.Siege Tanks.
Unlocked at Era 3. Siege tanks have massive range and firepower, and should be built as soon as you can.
Unfortunately they are fragile and have a minimum range. Surround a cluster of siege tanks with bunkers and you’re good to go. (Note: Siege tanks do splash damage but this is usually negligible if you have kept up with your upgrades.)Repair Towers. Unlocked at Era 3.
Repair towers cost food but are vital to keeping your walls and tanks alive. Cautious humans will place one repair tower in the centre of a cluster of tanks, surrounded by steel walls. Repair towers do not stack so it is pointless to build 10 of these behind your wall.Sentry Gun. Unlocked at Era 3. The sentry gun is the pew-pew to the siege tank’s boom-boom.
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Although less powerful, sentry guns are more accurate and effective against the average zombie at close range. You shouldn't really be needing these.Events and BossesSeismic activity. Worms and zomba holes will spawn in your base. Worms will target your income structures directly so you should take them out first. You should also build towers near your income structures to protect them.Air raids. Death Clusters and zombies will rain in from the skies.Infections at capitals.
Starcraft 2 Arcade Zombie World 3
Zombies will burst out from capitals.Rebel events. Rebel armies (units in white) will spawn at a capital and start attacking you. Vortex will work on these units but not Pope.Bosses. There are many different types of bosses: Dark Wizard, Witch Queen, Zombie Commando, Zombified Bunker, Mountain Terror, Chargersaurus, Blimp, Boomer. Dark Wizard: Has the same abilities as the normal Wizard but with more damage. Witch Queen: Can jump and its attacks can bounce. Can also cast Apocalypse which can instantly wipe out even the most rock solid of fortifications if not dealt with.
This ability has a long cast time though so if you have strong enough DPS, you should be able to kill it before it destroys your walls. Zombie Commando: Strong attack with high DPS. Deals area damage and pierces armor like a normal infantry.
Starcraft 2 Arcade Zombie World Full
Zombified Bunker: Spawns units. Mountain Terror: Free Monehhhh. Chargersaurus: Can charge into walls/bunkers, breaking them instantly. Build a few layers of walls. Blimp: Flies in the air spawning death clusters along the way. Send ranged units to take them out.
Boomer: Goes boom (like a nuke). Egypt should blink in with Annubis Commandos to kill them before they reach the border.
This post was made because of the disappearance of the 'Zombie World: Legacy' map from the Arcade. I am a returning player to SCII Arcade and the Zombie World maps and did not know what was going on.
A lot of players (including me) are very sad to see the map be deleted without any notice or explanation. Following the reviews section of the remaining maps, it seems that the community around the Zombie World Arcade maps (Zombie World: Original, Zombie World and Zombie World: Legacy) is in an uproar right now, with players taking sides and reporting others left and right. From what I could gather from the posts is that 'Zombie World: Legacy' was a remake of 'Zombie World' and the latter is a remake of 'Zombie World: Original'. It seems that 'Zombie World: Legacy' has been banned for being a 'stolen copy', although the details on how and why are not very clear.