The Papal State Eu4

  1. The Papal State Eu4 List

Dec 18, 2018 - With this suggestion, the Papal States are gonna be destroyed and reforged. Because at the start of EU4 Perugia is an example of the Occult. For Europa Universalis III on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'I hate the papal state (Roma)'. You can turn electors into your vassal state,and then they will choose you as emperor.Then you can turn your capital into an empire province,and you can join the emperor. If you don’t have too many provinces,the current emperor can accept you join the HRE.

Welcome to EU4This is a sub-reddit for Europa Universalis IV. It is a general subreddit for the Grand Strategy Game from Paradox Interactive: Europa Universalis 4.Our Discord Address is:. Hover over any of the boxes below to view relevant informationRulesFor the full rules, click.Posts must be related to Europa Universalis.

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The different tactics I have approached so far are:.Waiting for the event called 'Shadow kingdom'(I think) where north Italy leaves the HRE and from there try and grab a few provinces. But I'd like to do something more before 1490.Expand east where I in 7/7 games have been crushed as soon as Ottomans reach my border.Expand south in north Africa where I feel like I don't really earn much.Try and conquer Naples. The problem here is that Aragon always allies with Austria and none of my stronger allies(France and Castille) wants to help no matter if I declare upon Naples or Aragon.Going north seams like an impossible task before the shadow kingdom event so I haven't really tried that strategy out very muchI'm looking for all advices I can get. For example Which countries to ally, Which direction to go, Which ideas to take and so on.Thanks in advance. Provence is a good place to start, as the other guy said.

Might even be able to ally France and drag them in on the promise of territory really early on. (Probably best to actually give them a bit, too, since they'll no doubt be useful against Aragon later.)After that, in my own Pope game, I found I didn't really have many good avenues of expansion in Europe, so I attacked Carthage Tunis and established myself there early on. Most of the land there is dirt poor but every bit helps, especially for the naval force limit.After that my own game turned into one of patience as I waited for opportunities to strike at any of the giant death alliances everyone around me seemed to have.

Slow expansion in the Maghreb was really the only thing I managed to pull off for a while.Regarding the alliances, something I tried to do was to attack smaller allies of Aragon to avoid fighting their big allies, then demanding they annul treaties in the peace deal and then strike at them later. The Aragon-Austria alliance is just no fun at all.Another path entirely might be to ally Austria and join the HRE. Be prepared for literally everyone joining Genoa's or Venezia's trade league, though, and aggressive expansion is going to be through the roof. This doesn't prevent you from expanding in other directions, but it means you'll have France breathing down your neck for Provence and Avignon since you probably won't be able to make friends with them now. I've been playing some papal state recently.

I've found Provence allying France and therefore being an impossible target. So, I've had to expand in other directions.At game start, you can join the HRE by getting 193 relations with Austria (rival Venice for the rival of my rival modifier), then leave in 1490 when the rest of Italy does. This lets you attack potential rival Ferrara, who is such low warscore that I believe you can both full annex and humiliate.If your army is still at strength, I would then Humiliate CB on Florence, who in my games has always allied Lucca, who doesn't matter. (take any land and you'll get a coalition, just humiliate).Two humiliates, plus Eclipsed Ferrara, will get you to 100 power projection, which takes maybe 10 years to tick down - that's 360 monarch points. Provence is a good start. I've also had good luck attacking Serbia / Bosnia; with good allies (ideally Austria + Poland or Bohemia) you should be able to beat Ottomans even if they declare war on you. The joy of Serbia / Bosnia, aside from the gold province, is the trade boost.

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Venice is sometimes good to attack depending on who is in its trade league / allies; if Austria rivals Venice you can do it pretty risk-free.After that you have to play it by ear. You won't get the request to return lands if Austria has a really high opinion of you, so they're usually your best bet for friend-making. Wait for Austria to refuse the call to arms (usually they're at war pretty early, just wait for them to be at war long enough that they won't accept) and hop in. It's not the end of the world to ignore a return province request, but it's pretty easily avoided by either making Austria your buddy or by using simultaneous wars, in which you core the province fully while conducting a second war somewhere else. Start with an excommunication on provence, and grab their land at a lower AE cost. Last papal state game I targeted Aragon next.


I took some naples land but also valencia, for the trade center and the Iberian foothold (few countries care too much about expansion there, except France). If you wish you can make a push into Africa here too, as no Christian country will care that you're aggressively crushing the infidels.I think I went into the Balkans next, and engaged in some kebab removal.

Pope can get great discipline amounts, and austria/poland will love to help you. With kebab neutered I started a push into poland - Lithuania. I don't think it was 1600 yet and I quit because there was no challenge left by then.Make maximal use of excommunication and crusades when you are controller.

I have 'generously supported' the Holy See through smart investment of my Papal influence, all cardinals now respond to every single whim and desire of mine, and there's a fellow Catholic nation or two that keep getting on my toes that I'd like to punish by excommunicating them.However, I couldn't find a single nation that I could excommunicate, apparently they all have 'good relations with the Pope'. How does one have bad relations with the Pope? Does it have something to do with the Papal State? Or the prestige of the target nation? Or am I missing something else here? What are the conditions that allow excommunication?

Excommunication seems to be a somewhat broken mechanic at the moment.In fact you can only excommunicate another nation if their papal influence (the little number you see on the papacy icon) is lower than 5.However, this is very unlikely to happen often, because gaining Papal influence is easy for most catholic nations and happens automatically.The only way a country can drop below this boundary is if it just spent all its influence on a cardinal. So you can only get excommunicated if you raise your influence with the cardinals.This does not make a lot of sense. As a comparison: In EU3 a country could get excommunicated when the relations with the Papal States dropped below 100.So if you are really eager to excommunicate someone in EU4, keep an eye on the papacy tab.

The Papal State Eu4 List

If you see that someone just raised their influence on a cardinal, you might have a chance to excommunicate them in the same month.