Baldwin Piano Acrosonic Value

Baldwin Danish Modern Caned Acrosonic Piano
Bluebook Of PianosHOW OLD IS YOUR PIANO? - FINDTHE AGE & SERIAL NUMBER OF YOUR PIANOSome piano manufacturers place serial numbers in variousplaces. The age of your piano is determined by the.Pianos also have numbers other than serial numbers, such is the case with partor patent numbers. Some pianos do not have serial numberswhen they are manufactured as 'House Brands' for large retailers.1907-4600 1908-5400 1909-6300 191-8000 1912-9100 1913-11500 1916-15400 1920-18600 1924-20900Jesse French Numbers1904-32500 1909-45500 1913-60200 1917-70500 1921-83000 1925-960000 1929-1-1-1-108000.
(Baldwin Uprights and Verticals, Classic, Ellington, Franke,Howard before 1959, Kremlin, Manuelo, Modello, Monarch, St. Regis,Sargent, Schroeder, Valley Gem and Winton). All Baldwin Upright orVertical Pianos -Does not include Hamilton Studios or Baldwin GrandPianos.187-1-2-5- -0-9000 1918-1-2-10-1-1-2-10-2-1-2-10-3-1-3-11-4-1-3-11-5-1-3-11-6-1-3-12-7-1-3-12-8-1-3-12-9-1-3-13-0-2-4-13-1-2-4-13-2-2-4-13-3-2-4-14-4-2-4-14-5-2-5-14-6-2-5-14-1577266. AEOLIAN- AMERICAN Est.
1903 - New York, N.Y.The manufacturing facilities atEast Rochester was comprised of a series of separate and individualfactories planned so that manufacturing of the various instrumentswas carried on in an entirely individual and distinct manner, and byseparate organizations, each under direction of men who had beenassociated with each respective make for many years, thuspreserving, unimpaired, the individual and distinctive qualities ofeach piano. Combined they made a great and powerful contribution tothe art of music, for each of the great instruments they producedwill continue providing magnificent music for generations to come.Name brands built in East Rochester include Chickering & Sons, J & CFischer, Wm. Knabe, Mason & Hamlin, and George Steck.H. Tremaine was a businessgenius who brought about the commercial exploitation of the pianoplayer on a big scale. Tremaine's father had built a successfulsmall business making and cranked table-top-sized mechanical organs,a very popular item in homes in the late 1800's. He founded the'Aeolian Organ and Music Company' around 1888; the firm achievedconsiderable success with larger instruments and organs.
CHART OF VERTICAL PIANOS AND THEIR PRICES. 1985 to 1995. This is a list current used piano prices of these models made after 1985. This is an alphabetical listing. In each case we show the lowest price at retail for each size.
His sontook over in 1899 and immediately set about to apply his ownbusiness acumen to the company's affairs. With the newly perfected 'Pianola,'he launched an aggressive advertising campaign which was entirelynew to the stodgy piano business. With four page coloradvertisements (almost unheard of in that day) published in thepopular magazines, he literally stunned the piano industry with themessage that here, indeed, was the answer to everyone's prayer formusic in the home! Tremaine and Pianola built an enormous businessempire over the next thirty years. It wasn't long after the turn ofthe century that it was deemed desirable to 'miniaturize' the clumsyPianola and other similar, instruments so that they could be builtdirectly inside the pianos. Within a few short years, the pushup'players disappeared from the scene. A B ChaseGablerMusetteAeolianHaines & Co.NormandieArmstrongHaines Bros.PeaseBent, George P.W.P.
HainesPianetteBradburyHallet & DavisPianolaBrewsterHardmanPooleD.S. BuchananHeller & CompanyPrimatoneCableHolmer & SonsRestonicCable, Fayette S.Holmes & Co.RudolphCarolaHuntingtonSchneider,ChickeringIvers & PondSchillerConover - CableKingsburyGeorge SteckCook, J.B.KnabeSterlingCrownKranich & BachStingDuo - ArtLaffargueStratfordElbridgeLindemanStroudEllsworthMarshall & WendellStuyvesantEmersonMason & HamlinVose & SonsEuphonaMehlin & SonsR.

FischerMelodigrandWeberFoster - ArmstrongMendelssohnWheelockFranklinHenry F. MillerWellingtonSee individual names for numbersnot listed.Aeolian distinguished itself as apiano maker, not merely an assembler. Aeolian plants produced pianosthat were quality assured, one of the reasons that over the yearsmany of the largest school systems in the United States haveselected their pianos exclusively. In addition, broadcastingstations, colleges, music schools, universities, operas, andsymphonies have countless Aeolian pianos in constant service, thiswas during the time that American Institutions purchased pianos onlimited budgets, not as commercial endorsements or University andCollege Piano Sale locations.IVERS & POND andAEOLIAN NUMBERS. 188-65000198999999999999999999985-DiscontinuedPOOLE & AEOLIANNUMBERS.
Pianos bearing thiswell known and an honorable name is the product of The Baldwin Pianoand in the best sense of the word, instruments of the highest degreeof excellence. The system or chain of scientific improvements of theBaldwin piano based on the law of acoustics, and known as theBaldwin acoustic system, which permitted the greatest conservationof tone, secures an artistic result of the highest quality, and hasresulted in gaining for. It enjoys a leading position among theworld's artistic musical instruments. Baldwin is now owned by theGibson Guitar Company.Historically: TheBaldwin piano has an individuality of the highest character.
When itwas exhibited at the International Exposition at Paris in 1900 itwas honored with an award (The Grand Prix) which has never beenbestowed on any, other American piano, and the highest honor everreceived by any, piano made In America. The Baldwin pianos are madein most modem and perfectly equipped factories under idealmanufacturing conditions. At the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St.Louis, Mo., 1904, the Baldwin piano was again awarded the GrandPrize and still another Grand Prize was awarded the Baldwin pianosand Manualos at the Anglo-American Exposition, London, 1914.
The'New York Tribune,' in commenting on the comprehensive display ofthe Baldwin Company at Paris, and the success of this piano and thishouse, said that they made a record that would never he forgot inthe history of uprights, grands and reproducing pianos, the grandsincluding the various sizes from concert grands to small grands forparlors. In Rome, 1923, the Baldwin piano was awarded the PapalMedal and the House of Baldwin appointed 'Purveyors to the HolySee.' The Baldwin piano is recognized as a universal favoritebetween the leading operatic artists and virtuosos of thepianoforte. The Baldwin Manualo is a unification of the mostartistic piano with the most scientific players' construction; inother words, it combines the highest artistic attainment in pianoproduction with the most gratifying ability of performance.Builtby BALDWIN (Baldwin Uprights and Verticals, Classic, Ellington,Franke, Howard before 1959, Kremlin, Manuelo, Modello, Monarch, St.Regis, Sargent, Schroeder, Valley Gem and Winton).
The Acrosonic is the premier line of Baldwin's spinet & console pianos and these little pianos were built to last for generations!Made from cherry wood, this piano has an unique cabinet design characteristic of the 1960's. It is 41' tall, which is about the same height as most consoles, providing longer strings and more soundboard area.
Consequently, the tone of this piano is larger than most spinets.This is a good instrument to get the kids started on piano lessons! Not too big, not too small.just right!