Far Cry 2 Not Full Screen
Features of Far Cry 2 PC Game. The Main Features Of Far Cry 2 Free Download PC Game Are As Follows. You Have A Great Story Line In This Game. In This Game You Have Good Roles To Play. You Have Good Amount Of Weapons For Combat In Game. Enemies Fights In This Game Was Good To See. You Have Great Level Design In This Game. Whenever I boot up Far Cry 2, it is in windowed mode. And there is no option to enable full screen. What is the problem here? I played it a few weeks ago with no problem. Darkc0der no CD Far Cry 2 v1.0 All. Your name (Login to post using username, leave blank to post as Anonymous).
Finally broke down and re-bought Far Cry cause I hated dealing with 5 CD's of install, but when I try to run the game, I just get a black screen. I left it on for about 10 minutes, and nothing happened.

Far Cry 2 Alt Tab Fullscreen
Went to task manager and I saw the splash screen was still there, and the program was not responding. I've tried changing all the video settings to the lowest possible settings, and nothing. I've also tried to set compatibility mode, and again, nothing.Any suggestions on how to fix it? I'm pretty much stumped at this point.
Well im yet to play this game after the dreadfull start its given me. Firstly realising it has limited activations with its crappy DRM in it. Site cannot be reached connection reset chrome. Then it gives me that really annoying windowed mode, which i have sorted out now. But here is the most irritating bug of all, when in windowed mode my game runs at a great FPS but as soon as i put it into full screen it dies, and is like im playing with an onboard GPU:3eyes.
Now i have no idea why it does this, but im really starting to regret buying this game, its buggier than BF 2142 and that game was shocking. Im currently using the 180.43 drivers and still no luck.
Any one else had this problem? Noobster: do you know around what FPS it was actually running at in full screen, since i'm assuming 1fps was a drastic overexaggeration of slowness? It seems that Far Cry 2's framerate fluctuates faster than you run out of bullets in the game. Often bouncing from in the mid-high 50's or low 60's, down to the mid-low 30's. It was found that limiting the framerate to around there, by using the command 'gfxmaxfps 30' (or 35 if you want it to go a bit faster) seems to cut back drastically on the stuttering. Noobster: do you know around what FPS it was actually running at in full screen, since i'm assuming 1fps was a drastic overexaggeration of slowness? It seems that Far Cry 2's framerate fluctuates faster than you run out of bullets in the game.
Often bouncing from in the mid-high 50's or low 60's, down to the mid-low 30's. It was found that limiting the framerate to around there, by using the command 'gfxmaxfps 30' (or 35 if you want it to go a bit faster) seems to cut back drastically on the stuttering.
Click to expand.Its not an exaggaeration seriously, its not like the frame rate dips or anything it hangs, period. At the start when the Ubisoft video starts and the man is walking into the sun if im windowed its fine as soon as i put it into full screen it cant even run that, or the menu screen. If i could make a video of it it would help explain it best, but i cant which sucks. In DX9 mode its fine, in DX10 windowed its fine, DX10 fullscreen just will not work. Ive tried everything, non sli, starting in DX9 then changing to DX10, forcing it into full screen using the 'fullscreen=1' method also does the same.
Its really irritating me. The game itself though is great fun, its just a shame that my experience with it so far has made the thing a little sour.