How To Join Brotherhood Of Steel New Vegas

Jul 15, 2011 - This post will discuss the end game events in Fallout New Vegas. Veronica is a member of Brotherhood of Steel – an isolationist elite group. When dealing with the tribes, in the quest The House Always Wins V, Mr House will always refuse to negotiate, and want you to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel.The corresponding quest from Yes Man, however, Wild Card: Side Bets, gives you an option to ignore the Brotherhood.

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How To Join Brotherhood Of Steel New Vegas

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Im playing the game for my first time (i know, kinda late) and im loving it, playing it as a mostly as a speech god, i try to make peace anywhere i can, talking people out of bad situations, and i was doing it pretty well until both the NCR and Mr. House asked me to fuck the brotherhood up, no option to peace, even if i helped them out already and became one of them myself, i was feeling kinda forced to go with the weird robot guy simply because he allows me to keep up the character. So i ask again, why does everyone hates the Brotherhood?.

The short answer is that the Mojave Brotherhood is a weak and passive example of the organization as a whole.This is a group that believes with religious zeal that they are the only ones who can be trusted to use advanced technology in a responsible manner. This is taken to the extreme with the assumption that all technology therefore belongs to them, and they are willing to use force to posses all of it. Wiping out villages that are holding advanced tech isn't out of the question for them.If you've gone through the BoS quest line in FNV, they may have asked you to wipe out the Van Graffs. The Van Graffs have and are seeking too much advanced technology, and that cannot be permitted. This sort of thing is the BoS's daily operations for a more active chapter.What's more, the Brotherhood has all of this advanced tech, but they hoard it rather than using it to improve the lives of anyone else. Anyone else who had advanced farming techniques, mining equipment, offensive and defensive capabilities, and raw knowledge would, at a minimum, offer to trade use of it, even if at an exorbitant cost, but the Brotherhood forbids using it in any way outside of their insular community.They aren't any better than any other tribe led by a warlord, except that these ones are better trained, better equipped, and live better than you do, yet they still want to beat you up and take your stuff. In Fallout 3, the BoS were the heroes from your perspective, because they happened to have local interests and enemies that aligned with your character's.

But how about the other groups involved?The Enclave reeks of evil intentions, but at lest they are out there trying to bring order to a chaotic crapsack world. Their methods are aggressive and self-serving, but the average person under Enclave rule is likely to get at least a meal every day. The people have access to medical care that doesn't require an side of tetanus shot. The roads are safer, and you can generally expect to not be raided today by your 'masters'. Even with the occasional forced experimentation and/or small-scale genocide, Enclave rule sounds a whole lot better than going at it alone.And now, thanks to the BoS, this stability is gone from the DC area.The BoS has performed many of the same atrocities as the Enclave, but without even giving back a sense of security. So who is the real hero?.

While you're correct in a universal sense, the game is played from the protagonist's perspective, so that's the angle I'm taking for it. I mean, I see your point, but the story is structured as though they're the heroes. And let's not forget that the Enclave's methods weren't just aggressive and self-serving; they were genocidal. Even if we consider that the president's goal (of inserting the modified FEV into the water supply) isn't the goal of the Enclave as a whole, they're still going around torching groups of Wastelanders just for existing by the end of the game. That's not exactly heroic, or even admirable.

How To Join Brotherhood Of Steel New Vegas

BoS are depicted differently in every title. From jackasses, to saviours of the Commwealth, to hidden dangerous observers of the Mojave, up to fascist military group taking over where the old Enclave left.They have internal struggles and as you can see in FNV alone the mentality of what the BoS should be and how they should interact with the outside world is still a faction splitting argument.Its a not a black and white choice in this game, so before quickly jumping opinion get yourself a clearer picture of what wiping them out or keeping them around would mean for the Mojave. You can actually forge peace between the NCR and the Brotherhood.

Colonel Moore will say you can't, but that's because she's a raging war hawk. If you actually go to Elder McNamara and tell him to declare a truce and basically do everything for her except actually signing the ceasefire, she'll agree to it.To answer your broader question. The Brotherhood have responded to rival powers developing in the wastes by growing more and more militant and reactionary, to the point of declaring war on any group that they see as a rival for power. Moore fought in the war against them for years, before they went into hiding. House is sure they'd try to oust him if the NCR weren't around to keep them spooked.

Fallout New Vegas Brotherhood Location

He's probably not wrong. Fuck, i made the mistake to put the warhead in power, i think peace with the NCR is no longer an option with the new guy in, i guess ill just reload before i killed House and follow his order then, i agreed with a lot he said but i wanted to see what happend if i followed the No Gods, no Masters route for a little.

And i guess rip The Brotherhood, i just wish Veronica doesn't hear about it cause i still want to find her and hang out in the Mojave, but i feel like shes gonna hate me after this lmao. One of the things that makes Fallout great is that the various groups have intertwined and frequently competing goals, and advancement in one group frequently means opposing another. And, at various points, in order to advance you need to make decisions that fundamentally alter the world in ways that you can't just go back and fix.Contrast with, say, Skyrim, where you can become the head of every major faction at once. All of the groups exist in isolation from each other and no one seems to care that you are playing power games with everyone. There is no way that, for example, the Thief's guild should allow someone as high-profile as the leader of the Companions to even set foot through their door, but the game doesn't even acknowledge this.

How To Join Brotherhood Of Steel New Vegas Quests

Actually that is something that when it happened made me really happy, as i was walking into Fortification Hill i was thinking 'how the fuck am i suppose to reason with this savages', so i followed the beggining of the quest line and activated shit in the bunker insted of destroying, beat the shit out of Benny in the Arena, and went back into the Mojave, as soon as i followed with the other quests i had going(making the Khans leave insted of alling with Caesar) i failed Render Unto Caeser and that text saying they hated me showed up, and i found that really cool and logical. Contrast with, say, Skyrim, where you can become the head of every major faction at once. All of the groups exist in isolation from each other and no one seems to care that you are playing power games with everyone. There is no way that, for example, the Thief's guild should allow someone as high-profile as the leader of the Companions to even set foot through their door, but the game doesn't even acknowledge this.Mainly because the only stories the Last Dragonborn is actually involved in are the main quest, the civil war (only as part of the main quest to get a temporary truce - think on the quest name 'Season Unending' for a few minutes.), Dawnguard (almost certainly not on the vampires' side) and Dragonborn.

The rest (including actually fighting in the civil war) is just there to give the player something to do.Their events and resolutions will be canon, as Morrowind & Oblivion show, but the roles will be filled by other characters whose names history will forget by the next game.edit: About the only mention of you having multiple roles in the game is Delvin being surprised that you're in the Dark Brotherhood if you're also in the Thieves' Guild ('Oh. Well, you're makin' friends all over, ain't ya?' , with his dialogue being otherwise identical beyond his initial greeting telling you that the Ratway's a nasty place for the uninvited if you're not in the TG). The NCR and the Mojave Brotherhood hate each other because they fought over the HELIOS 1 facility. The Brotherhood didn't want the NCR to have it because they knew that it had the potential to be weaponized and thought that the NCR did too.Mr.

House is exactly what the Brotherhood wants to destroy. In their eyes, he would be the ultimate perversion of technology, man that has become machine to achieve immortality.

House knows that if the Brotherhood knew the truth about him, he would be their most wanted target.