Moonpath To Elsweyr Se
Characters.Moonpath to Elsweyr is a mod for, in which the Dragonborn travels with a caravan into the Khajiit homeland of.DescriptionTo start the mod, the Dragonborn must travel to Falkreath, and enter the Inn. There should be a door to the right of the inn's entrance. Inside that door is a caravan with Khajiit inside. Speaking to them should allow the Dragonborn to travel with the caravan to Elsweyr.SynopsisMoonpath to Elsweyr begins with the Dragonborn visiting the Dead Man's Drink tavern and Inn at Falkreath (Go straight from the gate and your next left will bring you to the tavern) and encountering a couple of Khajiit merchants and who have stopped in Falkreath before their return to Elsweyr. If the Dragonborn speaks to, he will defer you to his wife,.If the Dragonborn speaks to Verina and tells her that he/she is ready to travel, then the Dragonborn will board the cart and arrive in a desert in Elsweyr, where Ku'rana informs you of a bandit camp up ahead and asks you to eliminate it so they can continue. Upon completing this task, talk to Ku' Rana to continue moving.The Caravan stops once more, where Ku'rana informs the Dovahkiin that the bridge is out, and that the Dragonborn must find a way around it.
Exploration yields a small ford that the caravan can cross with, with the catch being the horde of Spiders and such monsters in and around the jungle. Once more, returning to Ku' Rana and informing him of the ford will provoke another loading screen where you eventually arrive at your destination.Quests.

Author's instructionsPermission to upload and carry on the legacy of this amazing mod was giving by the original author, muppetpuppet. Muppetpuppet's only request is that the mod and its assets remain Forever Free.
Moonpath to Elsweyr / 과거의 재건 이번 퀘스트는 '과거의 재건' 쿨란은 죠란이 아르고니안 해적들한테 잡혀있으니 토팔해에 있는 본거지로 가서 죠란을 구해달라고 부탁했다. 그리하여 도착하게 된 토팔해.
That means you may not alter, or use assets included in Moonpath to Elsweyr for paid mods.As this mod now includes a lot of my own original work I ask that you drop me a PM if you wish to use assets from, or modify files in, this mod. I strongly encourage modding of my stuff, I just like to know who is doing what with it. So don't be scared, I don't bite. Just drop me a PM and we can disccuss how I can support you.:).
File credits- Everything included in the version 1.0 release of Moonpath to Elsweyr is credited to muppetpuppet. Later versions are credited to Illiani aka AnOldSock.- Typo Fix - Moonpath to Elsweyr has been merged into the mod with the generous permission of Treacleman.- is based on moss.png by Aaron Hoffman (and is covered by a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.- JR's Immersive Start Patch has been hosted with the generous permission of Treacleman. Located & replaced corrupted Landscape meshes behind the recent wave of CTDs- Refreshed & hand-edited all meshes to ensure Skeleton Bug & CTDs do not return (both were caused by meshes corrupted during automated conversion).- Adjusted water template in all locations with water, with the possible exception of one dungeon.- Improved lighting in all areas, except one dungeon. Most locations have their lighting completely rebuilt. Further lighting enhancements (other than minor tweaks) are not possible until I rebuild each location due to the limitations of the original mod.- Adjusted music template in several areas.- Adjusted accoustic template in most areas.- Adjusted screen effects template in most areas.- Included all changes from the roll-backed v1.13.
Moonpath To Elsweyr Se Lyrics
Version 1.13. The following includes changes confirmed to be present in the upcoming v1.13, but may be removed prior to release if issues emerge.Currently the ETA for v1.13 is by end of day on the 18th (UK time).2k optimised textures included by default, with 1k optimised textures relegated to an optional download for those of us with potato computers.Over 250 lines of tweaked and adjusted for better English & consistency.Forest Spider poison nerfed by roughly 89%. Forest Spiders will no longer come equipped with an almost unresistable poison which paralyses you for nearly 30 seconds.Crab Meat's effects now match its description.Reordering of numerous dialog menus for consistency.Item descriptions removed from those which would not normally have them in the vanilla game.A number of location names edited for consistency. Version 1.12. Version 1.12 is a Hotfix which solves the issue people were having with custom creatures suffering from mesh distortion.While initially the problem was believed to be with Moonpath's custom skeletons in the end it turned out to be corrupted body meshes.
Sadly the automated method I was using to convert the meshes was causing them to play poorly with the creature's skeleton. The solution was to convert them by hand (thankfully this didn't take too long). v1.13 was been rolled back to v1.1/2 due to reports of CTDs post-release.v1.14 will still be the next release, however larger changes planned for v1.14 will be pushed back to v1.15 due to priority changes.

Version 1.11. A Construction Kit bug meant npc face data, sounds and custom voice files were not being packaged into the BSA. I have manually built the BSA to ensure that these files are now present. Fixed bug with dialog options not always appearing. Corrected voices folder name. Merged main BSA and Textures BSA into a single file.
These will be seperated again in the next version. The custom skeleton bug remains in this version, but should be fixed by the time v1.12 is released (ETA evening of the 17th, UK time). Version 1.1. Moonpath to Elsweyr SSETravel the hidden path from Skyrim to Elsweyr!Moonpath to Elsweyr invites you to explore burning deserts,Emerald jungles and cerulean skies!This One Greets YouMoonpath to Elsweyr was one of the first quest mods ever released for Skyrim. Its origins dating back to before the original Creation Kit was even released. Despite Skyrim modding being in its infancy MuppetPuppet was able to bring Elsweyr to life in a way never before imagined.Brought to you by AnOldSock, the author of the in-development Moonpath Reborn, Moonpath to Elsweyr is enjoying regular updates for the first time in five years. With numerous bugs having been squashed, graphical quality vastly improved and a number of user complaints tended to.
Moonpath To Elsweyr Skyrim Special Edition
This is the most comprehensive Moonpath experience to date. Credits, the original author of.It is an honor to be able to continue his legacy., author of & JR's Immersive Start Patch (hosted here)I am incredibly grateful for being able to merge his mod into Moonpath SSE.Treacleman is actually a real life author of real life books (fancy bugger that he is).So if you're a fantasy or science fiction fan (lets face it, you are) make sure to!Honourable Mentions, author of Helping me find a number of lighting errorsShadowkat678, friend, xbox playtester and PM spammer.Helping maintain my sanity and stopping me raging on