Rename Shortcut After Effects

Adobe After Effects CS3 Keyboard Shortcuts General Ctrl+A Select all F2 or Ctrl+Shift+A Deselect all Enter on main keyboard Rename selected layer, composition, folder,effect, group, or mask Enter on numeric keypad Open selected layer, composition, or footageitem Ctrl+Alt+Down Arrow or Ctrl+Alt+Up Arrow. Add Footage to After Effects Comp. Mac: Command + / PC: Control +/ Using this shortcut is much quicker than dragging layers (footage, images, etc) into your AE composition. Simply select the footage in the project, hit the shortcut and it will automatically be added to the AE comp. Move a Layer Up/Down. Mac: Command + or PC: Control + or. Activate and cycle through mask and shape tools (Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Star).

Work smarter! In this post we share the essential shortcuts for Adobe After Effects.If you are new to After Effects or just want to tighten up your post production skills, here are 10 shortcuts that will save you time and have you working more efficiently. This is a follow up to my previous post.One quick note: as you’ll see below there is a difference in Mac vs PC keys. For Windows users the Command key is Control and Option is Alt.

Add Footage to After Effects CompMac: Command + / PC: Control +/Using this shortcut is much quicker than dragging layers (footage, images, etc) into your AE composition. Simply select the footage in the project, hit the shortcut and it will automatically be added to the AE comp. Move a Layer Up/DownMac: Command + or PC: Control + or Select a layer in your comp and use the shortcut to move it up or down the layers. Add shift to the shortcut to instantly move the chosen layer to the top or bottom of the stack. This is much quicker and more accurate than dragging a layer up and down with the mouse.

Select a Layer in your AE CompSelect a number on the number keypad (both Mac & PC)This is a super simple shortcut that let’s you pick a number on a numeric keypad (if you’re using one). Whatever number you select will select that layer in your AE composition.Press the number on the keypad for the layer you want to select in the Composition. Toggle Between Selection Tool & Other ToolsTemporarily switch to another tool by holding it down. Then, let go to get back to the selection tool.

Rename shortcut after effects online

Rename Shortcut After Effects Online

Simple, but actually a significant timesaver. Creating New Layers in AECreate a new solid on Mac: Command + YCreate a new solid on PC: Control + YNew adjustment layer on Mac: Option + Command + YNew adjustment layer on PC: Alt + Control + YDepending on your workflow, these are two good shortcuts to commit to memory. You can use solids as vignettes or use them to apply an effect onto (then use Screen Mode to remove black and see just the effect). Adjustment layers are transparent layers that you can mask and add effects to, while affecting all the layers beneath them.6.Deselect a LayerMac & PC: F2Using F2 is a quick way to make sure nothing is selected in your project. This avoid having the wrong layers selected by accident have having to use a ton of undos to get back on track. Fit to Comp WidthMac: Option + Shift + Command + H PC: Alt + Shift + Control + HThis handy shortcut will quickly scale a layer in your composition to fit the entire composition’s width – super useful when working with shapes or adjustment layers.

8. Zoom to 100%Mac & PC: /Use this hotkey want to see your work at 100% magnification. Adding Shift (so, Shift + /) will make it fit the entire composition window. Create New AE CompositionMac: Command + N PC: Control + NAny complex AE project requires tons of individuals compositions, so it’s worth committing this shortcut to memory. Once a new comp is created you can change the preset, pixel aspect ratio, frame rate and duration.


Rename Shortcut After Effects In Windows 10

The shortcut for “Composition Settings” is Command/Control + K. Ram PreviewMac & PC: 0 on the number padUsing the shortcut for RAM Preview is much quicker than clicking the “Ram Preview” button in the Info panel. To make speed up your work even faster, for every other frame ram preview just add Shift + O.For a full list of Adobe After Effects shortcuts, visit the official reference guide. Also, it’s worth noting that you can change of any of these shortcuts to fit your own workflow and needs. To do so, use the KeyEd UP script that you can download fromDo you have any favorite AE shortcuts?

Share them in the comments below!

After Effects has lots of shortcuts.