Stalker Soc Fast Travel

About STALKER is an open-world FPS game set in the anomalous wasteland, now known as the Zone, surrounding the site of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. You are a stalker: a treasure hunter seeking to earn some money by finding and selling the almost supernatural artifacts generated by the disaster, and seeking the rumours of a mysterious 'Wish Granter' in the centre of the Zone. You have woken up with parts of your memory missing, and the only hint to your purpose is a note on your PDA: kill the man named Strelok. In STALKER, you can still sprint, but it depletes your stamina very quickly. Furthermore, you also slowly lose stamina while walking.

So you're not reduced to a crawl like in Fallout, and you can still sprint, but it takes way more energy. And you can regain stamina simply by standing still and catching your breath. If you're too overloaded - 10kg above the limit - you can't move. This is simultaneously more realistic and more fun - in real life you can easily move more than you can comfortably carry as long as you take frequent breaks. Incorporating these elements into the game is great design.

The UndergroundCertain segments of the game take place underground. These segments manage to be extraordinarily creepy with very little work. The world can feel barren and quiet, or populated and violent, depending on the paths you take - but underground tends to feel claustrophobic and spooky. Many of the lighting systems that were put up in the tunnels are damaged and inoperable, so you'll encounter a lot of darkness in the tunnels. There's little movement but a lot of heavy machinery, so underground is mostly silent but with a constant bass undertone. Finally, the best part: you know when other humans are around because of the signals given off by their PDAs - even if you can't see them, you know how many are near you.

Since fast travel requires visiting Vulgrim, make sure to see if you can feed him enough souls to level up while you’re at it. Now that you know how to fast travel in Darksiders 3, you should be able to easily trek between each region while hunting each of the Seven Deadly Sins. About this mod. This addon does three things. Firstly, it enables fast travel (which is disabled by default in CoC), secondly it adds a lot more available points to fast travel to, and it also lets you choose whether you want to unlock the fast travel points by first visiting them, or have them all unlocked from the beginning.

Underground, though, in close quarters, it can still be a shock to turn the corner and see an armoured Spetsnaz trooper with a shotgun pointed at your chest. Mutants, however, don't carry PDAs, so they can sneak up and surprise you to terrifying effect.

Stalker soc complete 2009

EndingsSTALKER has 7 endings (!) and they're handled quite well. There are 5 false endings and 2 true ones.

Normally I'd say 'false' and 'true' (not the parentheses) but in this case those terms really do apply. If you get one of the five false endings, the one you get is determined by the values of your karma and wealth. These endings are short and some are cryptic, but all are ironic for reasons I won't explain.The two proper endings can only be found if you follow a certain quest path and find the truth about the Zone. You also have an active choice to make, unlike the five false endings.

Regardless of your choice, you'll learn about all the plot threads and unknown facts that were seemingly left dangling.It's a rather clever system - you have to be thorough and paying attention to discover the proper endings. The Neutral PlotFor the most part, plot takes a back seat to worldbuilding and exploration.

Some key facts and plot points aren't explained until the very end of the game, and then only if you manage to discover the true endings. There's a plot twist that could be surprising, but that many people will see coming a mile away.On the other hand, that's probably OK with most people.

The worldbuilding is excellent and adds a lot of intrigue. It's great that no one really knows what's going on or what the real goals of the various factions are.

And if you're looking for an open world, you often don't want the plot to get in your way. AIFor the most part, STALKER's AI is quite impressive.

Stalker Soc Fast TravelStalker soc fast travel trailer

All of the Zone's denizens have their own behaviour and schedules and go about their business in entirely unscripted sequences. The game constantly tracks something like 1,000 individuals, who will all eat, search for treasure, engage in combat, explore, defend areas, and sleep organically according to certain rules.On the other hand, there's one aspect that's laughably bad.In one mission I was asked to kill a group of 8 soldiers who were occupying a farmstead.

They wouldn't be hostile to me until I attacked, but I decided to play it safe anyway. Hiding a good distance away behind a car, I sniped one of the two guards with a headshot - and his buddy didn't react at all. That's weird, I thought, so I shot the buddy too. Shifting to a new position, I could see the other six guys all sitting around a campfire talking.

I dropped them one at a time with single headshots, and none of them noticed that their friends were dropping dead three feet away from them. They never even turned hostile, so I didn't lose any standing with their faction. This reproducible with any neutral group that doesn't notice you, as long as you kill each guy with one shot.

The Bad DurabilitySTALKER includes a durability system: the performance of weapons and armour degrade over time. That makes sense. However, you can't repair your items at all (short of a very specific method that only works for armour and is totally inaccessible until late-game anyway).On the one hand, I suppose it makes sense that some random guy wouldn't have the know-how to repair any and all types of gear he comes across.

Plus, weapons are fairly common. Not necessarily high-quality ones, which are a little harder to come across, but it's just about impossible to be completely weaponless.On the other hand, you'd think that SOMEONE in the wasteland would have some knowledge of weapon maintenance and repair. It can't be that hard to swap out parts on some of the more advanced highly modular weapons. I'd even be willing to pay for repairs, if it allowed me to keep my rare weapon without suffering jams. The Verdict Recommendation: play it.STALKER is a little slow-paced for an FPS, but it does a great job of conveying the bleak and dangerous nature of the Zone. It raises some interesting questions and points about how people perceive a catastrophic event - to most it's a tragedy, but to some it's an opportunity. One thing I would have liked to be explored is how the player character reacts to waking up with no memories and with his only direction being to kill a man.

Stalker Soc Mod

Would he do so unquestioningly, or would he resist? But that's a question for another time. Overall, STALKER is an excellently atmospheric open-world game where the realism augments the feel instead of getting in the way. I bought the game days ago on the steam summer sale (I got the bundle), I´m now playing it and I got to say its realism or feel of it is excellent, The Complete 2009 Mod for Shadow of Chernobyl is great and gives more life to the game! I can´t wait to finish the trilogy, although I thought the multiplayer would be good well at least in ShoC it isn´t in the technical aspects (no local servers, usually high ping wich leads to be unplayable online) Good Review I´ll be checking the games you review and maybe play something new:).

Alright fellow Escapians (escapists?escapees?fuck it.) I'd like to tell you about a strange and mysterious game released back in the long forgotten year of 2007! To cut to the chase I'm here to talk about S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl (not the prequel Clear Sky).So the premise of STALKER is that in 2006 a second explosion erupted from the long forgotten Chernobyl nuclear power plant (look it up!). Only this explosion created waves of hideous mutants, crazy time-space anomalies, and hoards of angry bandits rather than just your every day radiation. The 'Zone' as the area came to be called, was cordoned off by the army but the promise of valuable artifacts from within proved too much of a lure to keep everyone out.Now these men (no girls allowed in the zone apparently), these Scavengers, Trespassers, Adventurers, Loners, Killer, Explorers and Robbers (get it?

STALKERs!) roam the zone seeking glory and/ or avoiding mutant related death. You are one such STALKER, recovered from the back of a 'death truck' and suffering from a never before seen case of plot-convenient amnesia, and ready to take on the zone!Whew!

Stalker Soc Fast Travel Meme

Now that the intro's out of the way let's talk turkey. In terms of gameplay STALKER could best be described as an 'Open world FPS-Survival horror-RPG-ish thing'. STALKER is a lot like a traditional FPS, only harder. Let me explain, When a development team is usually making a game they probably test it and tweak things a bit to make sure players don't crush their keyboards into Chiclets. The team behind STALKER decided to make the villains in their game a bit smarter than normal FPS fodder.and a good deal stronger.and armed with enough high powered weaponry to take on the entirety of the US Army and still have enough left over to consider invading England. And you get a slingshot.

Filled with strawberries. Well, not really, but the difficulty does get a tad frustrating at times, however this does make every fight feel like an accomplishment, and it rarely feels like a chore.But this leads me to one of the game's strong points: a deep, deep, sense of immersion. Whether you're fighting bandits or wandering the empty halls of lab X-18, STALKER draws you in and wraps you in its universe. The game just feels so creepy, yet so right. The game also boasts the semi-impressive A-life system, which means things in the environment change whether you're there or not. Factions lose and retake territory, anomalies move, and mutants wander throughout the zone. Sadly, the A-life system in the vanilla game isn't as active as one would like it to be, but there are several mods that fix this.

I thought this was quite a nice review. It was divided into sections well, but never felt like it was made by a machine.I do disagree with your claims of excessive difficulty, however. Sure, it's hard until you get some decent guns, but if you use guerilla tactics, hiding behind cover, to slowly whittle down the numbers of the soldiers under the bridge in the first area with your pistol (it takes patience), you can take their guns (running back and forth to the trader's to sell the extras and make money).

Once you have some decent mid-long range weapons, you're pretty much set. I thought this was quite a nice review.

It was divided into sections well, but never felt like it was made by a machine.I do disagree with your claims of excessive difficulty, however. Sure, it's hard until you get some decent guns, but if you use guerilla tactics, hiding behind cover, to slowly whittle down the numbers of the soldiers under the bridge in the first area with your pistol (it takes patience), you can take their guns (running back and forth to the trader's to sell the extras and make money). Once you have some decent mid-long range weapons, you're pretty much set.Thanks, I guess i should have clarified what i meant by the game being very hard.

I meant that if you attempt to 'run and gun', or even get a bit fancy and try running around, you get gunned down really fast. I enjoyed being forced to think tactically and fighting difficult NPC's but some people might find it too hard.