Ge Multiclient For Windowes 10
This works.Figuring my win 7x64 was working perfectly I redoubled efforts to find the driver installed there - NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150 - version 7. date and finally found it in Microsoft Update catalogue.Go to Microsoft update catalogue home page and enter 'NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150' in search box.Select the larger of the two 7. Files and add to cart.nVidia -Display - NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150Windows 7Drivers (Other Hardware)3/6/20097.699.6 MB 733621816Download to desktopUse 7zip to extract and move folder where you want it (in my case E:NVIDIAnVidia - Display - NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150)type 'device manager' into win8 desktop control panel.go to Display adapters ms basic and right clickupdate driverpick from a list of drivershave diskselect 'nvqh.inf' from the folder you created earlier.Follow installation dialogue and restart computer (you may also want to follow steps in coprocessor posting above).
Ge Multiclient For Windowes 10 Free

Windows 10 install free download - Windows 10, Apple Safari, HP Printer Install Wizard for Windows 7, and many more programs. Google your card name and Windows 10 - you'll find it does work with Windows 10, but seems you may need to install Windows 10 from media (USB or optical drive) and then update the video card driver after the Windows 10 install.