Keyboard Shortcut In Blackberry

The concept of physical keyboard shortcuts applies only to Cascades. If you want to listen for physical keyboard events using C, see which applies to both the physical andtouch screen keyboards.Keyboard shortcuts provide a way to perform actions in your Cascades app using specified keys on the keyboard. Keyboard shortcuts improve usability anduser experience by decreasing the effort required to perform commonly used actions in anapplication. For example, you could implement a shortcut to create an entry, scroll tothe top of a page, or power up your character during gameplay.Keyboard shortcuts are supported only on devices with a physical keyboard.On all-touch devices, keyboard shortcuts aren't available. However, you have more screenspace to work with on these devices, so you might choose to provide additional optionsin your UI to make up for the lack of shortcuts.It's important to remember that shortcuts are not the only way to performthe desired action in your app. They're just shortcuts after all. ActionItem.

actionItem1 = ActionItem::create.title('myActionTitle1');SystemShortcut. systemShortcut = newSystemShortcut(SystemShortcuts::CreateNew);// If any QASSERT statement(s) indicate that the slot failed to connect to// the signal, make sure you know exactly why this has happened. This is not// normal, and will cause your app to stop working!!bool connectResult;// Since the variable is not used in the app, this is added to avoid a// compiler warning.QUNUSED(connectResult);connectResult = connect(systemShortcut, SIGNAL(triggered), this,SLOT(onSystemShortcut));// This is only available in Debug builds.QASSERT(connectResult);Page. myPage = Page::create;myPage-addAction(actionItem1, ActionBarPlacement::OnBar);actionItem1-addShortcut(systemShortcut). Not applicableThe benefit of system shortcuts is familiarity for the user. Thesystem defines the key associated with each system shortcut type and the value cannot be changed. For example, C is always the CreateNew shortcut in the English version of an app.

Users can expectthat pressing C creates an entry, note, orwhatever else applies in the context of the app. This consistency allows users toquickly become comfortable and proficient when using an app for the first time.System shortcuts can be different from language to language. Forexample, T (meaning top) may be the shortcutfor scrolling to the top of a page in an English-based app, while P (meaning parte superiorwhich roughly translates to 'top part') is the translation for the same shortcut inSpanish.

How can I use a keyboard shortcut. Switch to other app, short press key + a key which is assign SHORT PRESS shortcut. Note: To check the shortcut key of your phone, touch and hold a blank area on a home screentouch “SETTINGS””Keyboard shortcut”.

  1. How to add or change a Google account on the BlackBerry KEYone; How to take a screenshot with the BlackBerry KEYone; What do the three dots beneath an icon on the BlackBerry KEYone mean; How to assign keyboard shortcuts on the BlackBerry KEYone; How to add or change an e-mail account on the BlackBerry KEYone; How to set the BlackBerry KEYone.
  2. Set short-press and long-press shortcuts. You can also turn on short-press keyboard shortcuts by going to the BlackBerry Launcher settings and tapping Typing action Use a short-press keyboard. To set long-press shortcuts, tap on Apps Keyboard shortcuts to bring up a list of options to assign a long-press shortcut.

Best practicesUse system shortcuts over key shortcutswhenever possible. If a system shortcut is available, avoid overlappingfunctionality by creating a custom key shortcut to perform the same task.Be careful when mixing system shortcutswith key shortcuts. Because system shortcuts are automatically translated,and key shortcut translations need to be explicitly defined, you run the risk ofduplication. Creating a key shortcut that uses the same key as a system shortcut maycause the system shortcut to be ignored.Attach shortcuts directly to an. Creating key shortcutsTo create a key shortcut, attach aobject, define the key property, and specify the logic for the onTriggered signal event. Single characters andmodifiers are supported as possible values for the key property ( C,!, Alt + G,and Shift + B are acceptable), while multiplecharacters ( Alt + LGX for example) are notsupported. If multiple modifier keys are used ( Shift +Alt + H for example), the order in which the modifier keys arepressed affects how the shortcut is triggered.

A shortcut with a key property of Shift + Alt+ H requires the user to press Alt +Right-Shift to enable shift-lock mode, then Alt, then Hto trigger the shortcut. In addition, the keyparameter is case insensitive, so Alt + h isequivalent to Alt + H. A shortcut event is triggered when the key assigned to aorobject is pressed.When a shortcut event is triggered, the event propagates from the controlin focus up to the root of the scene.

If no control is in focus, all shortcut eventspropagate to the root. If a match is found, the action is performed and the event isconsumed. The best practice for implementing shortcuts is to attach them to anat the root of the scene (such as a), or to an ActionItem of an individual control. If you attach a shortcut to anActionItem on a control, the control must be infocus.The following diagram demonstrates the shortcut traversal process:For shortcuts attached to an, when a shortcut istriggered, the triggered signal for the AbstractActionItem is emitted as well.

Keyboard Shortcut In Blackberry Key

When it comes to shortcuts, we more than covered our bases earlier this year when we convinced insurance company 's mobile guru to share her. However, since that time, we've spent a lot of time digging into 's (RIM) software and hardware offerings, to bring you of, and,.

And along the way we discovered a few additional, little-known BlackBerry keyboard shortcuts.So whether you're new to the whole BlackBerry scene or you've been sporting a 'Berry on your belt since the beginnings of push e-mail, we're sure you'll find the following list of eight BlackBerry shortcuts well worth a read.When you're finished with our list, all you'll need is a shortcut to help you remember all these shortcuts. Unfortunately, you're on your own with that one.for now, at least. (Note: Most of these BlackBerry keyboard shortcuts work only with devices that feature full QWERTY keyboards.)Change BlackBerry Text Input Language on the FlyAll you multilingual BlackBerry users will appreciate this one. Switching text input languages on your BlackBerry at any point is a simple as simultaneously clicking two buttons.

While on your home screen, just hit the ALT button and Enter key at the same time, use your trackball to scroll to the new language you'd like to use, then click the trackball to confirm the new selection. The first time you use this shortcut, you'll see a dialogue box that asks you to confirm the change, and you can choose not to show the message again the next time you switch languages using this method.In order to switch back and forth between languages on your BlackBerry, you'll need multiple language packs installed on your device.

For more on BlackBerry language packs,FREE CIO BlackBerry Newsletter Get better use out of your BlackBerry and keep up-to-date on the latest developments.Type Device PIN and/or Model and OS Version With Six Quick ClicksUnless you've memorized your BlackBerry PIN number-which, we might add, is not a bad idea-you need to visit your BlackBerry Help Me! Or Status screen every time you want to share those PIN digits. There's a shortcut to access the Help Me! Screen-just click ALT, Shift and the letter H-but you need to close out of or save any messages you might be working on in order to employ that home screen shortcut.However, there are also shortcuts-really they're built-in functions of BlackBerry AutoText-that allow you to find and enter your BlackBerry PIN, as well as your device model and handheld operating system (OS) version, without ever leaving a message.To automatically enter in your BlackBerry PIN while in an SMS test or e-mail message, simply type MYPIN and hit the Space key. To auto-enter your device model and handheld OS version, just type MYVER-as in 'My Version'-and again click the Space button.Browse BlackBerry Address Book Contacts While on a CallWe've all been there before: You're on the phone and need to get a phone number or e-mail address, but don't want to have to hang up and interrupt the conversation to get the contact information. This shortcut will ensure you're ready next time.There are a few ways to access your BlackBerry address book while on the phone, but none quicker than this shortcut.

Keyboard shortcut in blackberry screen

While on a call, simply click the green Send key to open up the phone application and call log. When your call log is on screen, hold down Send again for a couple of seconds until the address book information appears.After opening the address book, you can choose to put the current call on hold and dial an additional number or you can copy various address information for later use. (Note: BlackBerrys operating on GSM/EDGE/GPRS cellular networks cannot simultaneously send and receive voice and data, so users won't be able to, say, send an e-mail while on a phone call. Though, RIM's new 3G BlackBerry Bold device, which runs on GSM/HSDPA/UMTS networks, will be able to transfer voice and data the same time.)Add Extensions to Phone Numbers via BlackBerryIf you're a, there's a good chance that many of the phone numbers you're dialing on a regular basis also require you to enter an extension to reach the appropriate party. Even if you use you BlackBerry as a personal device, you're no doubt calling office or corporate phone numbers on occasion. Thanks to this shortcut, saving and dialing phone numbers with extensions is just as simple as dialing straight-forward digits.To automatically add an extension to a phone number, type in the appropriate ten digits and then hit the ALT and X keys, followed by the numbers in the extension. Then click the Send button and your BlackBerry will dial the phone number that you entered.

When the call is connected, you device will wait a few seconds and then automatically enter in the extension.You can also save phone extensions within your address book. To do so, simply open your Address Book application, scroll to the entry you wish to edit, click your BlackBerry Menu key and hit Edit. Once you've opened an address book entry, scroll to the end of the number for which you want to add an extension, and follow the process described above.View E-Mail Address of Contacts From Within MessagesDepending on your e-mail address settings-and the BlackBerry handheld OS version you're running-you very likely see only a message sender's name when you receive and open a new e-mail or SMS text in your BlackBerry inbox. That's not ideal if you need the actual e-mail address and not just the name associated with it.To determine a message sender's e-mail address, simply open the message and scroll to the very top where the recipient and sender information is listed. Then highlight the sender's name and hit the Q key to switch back and forth between e-mail address and name.(Note: Some newer versions of the BlackBerry handheld OS-we're using v4.5.0.52-will automatically display a dialogue box with both the message sender's name and e-mail address when you scroll over the From field in a message, so this shortcut will likely become obsolete in the future.)Make the Most of BlackBerry Copy and Paste OptionsOne of the most valuable and underrated shortcuts within the BlackBerry OS is the copy and paste function.

Blackberry Keyboard App

In fact, copy and paste is one of the few missing features that's currently keeping the uber popular smartphone from becoming truly 'intelligent'-and it's also one of the most-requested iPhone 3G features.RIM knows how often its customers need copy and paste functionality, so it not only made sure every single new BlackBerry has the feature, but also created a few different methods for accessing it.While in a message or text file, you can copy text in two different ways. First, you can simply hold the Shift button while scrolling the trackball over the text you wish to copy, and then hit the BlackBerry Menu key and choose Copy from the associated dropdown menu. You can also copy text by hitting ALT and clicking the track ball before scrolling over the text you wish to copy and then hitting Menu and choosing Copy.To paste text once it's copied, you can either click Menu again and choose Paste, or you can simply hit Shift and click the trackball wherever you want the text to appear.Find Specific Web Page Addresses and URLs in BlackBerry BrowserExperienced BlackBerry browser users are probably well aware of the fact that Web page addresses are not displayed at the top of their mobile screens like they are in desktop browsers.

This is for good reason, as the tiny screens found on BlackBerry devices are too small to fit all the information that a full-sized Web browser can, and the BlackBerry browser is optimized to show only essential information.However, it's sometimes necessary to access a website's URL or determine the URLs of a set of links on a page. Thanks to these shortcuts, finding a given Web page's address, or determining specific link addresses, is as simple as a single keyboard click.While on a Web page, just click your BlackBerry's P key at any time to see that specific page's Web address and title. A dialogue box will then appear asking if you want to copy the address or send it via e-mail, SMS, MMS or PIN message.To determine the URL of specific links on a Web page, simply scroll over the links so that they're highlighted, and click the L key.

Again, you'll be prompted with the option to send the address or return to the page from which you came.What do you think? Did you learn a new shortcut or two? If so, which one? And if not, can you share an advanced BlackBerry keyboard shortcut that you find particularly valuable?Also, don't forget to check out our Margaret Genet if you haven't already.

Lists of additional are available on RIM's website, along with.