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It received a good response in Korea for a cable drama, with a peak viewership rating of 1.451%. According to one of China's biggest internet portal sites QQ, Bride of the Century ranked number one on weekly and monthly charts in both March and April 2014, exceeding 100 million views.

. (. / Korea is a in. Since 1948 it has been between two,. Korea consists of the, and several minor islands near the peninsula.

Korea is bordered by to the northeast, to the northwest, and to the east via the and the (East Sea).During the first half of the, Korea was divided between the three competing states of, and, together known as the '. In the second half of the 1st millennium, Silla defeated and conquered Baekje and Goguryeo, leading to the ' period. Meanwhile, formed in the north, superseding former Goguryeo. Unified Silla eventually collapsed into three separate states due to, ushering in the. Toward the end of the 1st millennium, was resurrected as, which defeated the two other states and unified the as a single sovereign state. Around the same time, Balhae collapsed and its last crown prince fled south to Goryeo. Goryeo (also spelled as Koryŏ), whose name developed into the modern 'Korea', was a highly cultured state that created the world's first metal in 1234.

However, multiple incursions by the during the 13th century greatly weakened the nation, which eventually agreed to become a after decades of fighting. Following military resistance under which ended Mongol political influence in Goryeo, severe political strife followed, and Goryeo eventually fell to a coup led by General, who established in July 17, 1392.The first 200 years of the Joseon era were marked by relative peace.

During this period, the was created by in the 15th century and there was increasing influence of. During the later part of the dynasty, Korea's isolationist policy earned it the Western nickname of the '. By the late 19th century, the country became the object of imperial design by the Empire of Japan. After the, despite the 's effort to modernize, the country was in 1910 and ruled by it until the end of in August 1945.In 1945, the and the agreed on the in Korea in the aftermath of World War II, leaving Korea partitioned along the 38th parallel. These circumstances soon became the basis for the division of Korea by the two, exacerbated by their inability to agree on the terms of Korean independence.

The Communist-inspired government in the North received backing from the Soviet Union in opposition to the pro-Western government in the South, leading to Korea's division into two political entities: North Korea (officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea), and South Korea (officially the Republic of Korea). Tensions between the two resulted in the outbreak of the in 1950. With involvement by foreign troops, the war ended in a stalemate in 1953, but without a formalized peace treaty. This status contributes to the high tensions that continue to divide the peninsula. Both governments of the two Koreas claim to be the sole legitimate government of the region. Main articles: andThe Korean Academy claimed ancient hominid fossils originating from about 100,000 BC in the lava at a stone city site in Korea. Fluorescent and high-magnetic analyses indicate the volcanic fossils may be from as early as 300,000 BC.

The best preserved Korean pottery goes back to the times around 10,000 BC and the period begins around 6000 BC.According to legend, a descendant of, established in 2333 BC. In 108 BC, the defeated Gojoseon and installed in the northern Korean peninsula. Three of the commanderies fell or retreated westward within a few decades, but the remained as a center of cultural and economic exchange with successive Chinese dynasties for four centuries. By 313, annexed all of the Chinese commanderies.Proto–Three Kingdoms. Main article:The Proto–Three Kingdoms period, sometimes called the Multiple States Period, is the earlier part of what is commonly called the, following the fall of but before, and fully developed into kingdoms.This time period saw numerous states spring up from the former territories of Gojoseon, which encompassed northern Korea and southern. With the fall of Gojoseon, southern Korea entered the period.Located in the southern part of the, Samhan refers to the three confederacies of,.

Mahan was the largest and consisted of 54 states. And both consisted of twelve states, bringing a total of 78 states within the. These three confederacies eventually developed into, and.Three Kingdoms. 7th century Tang dynasty painting of envoys from the Three Kingdoms of Korea: Baekje, Goguryeo, and SillaThe consisted of,. Silla and Baekje controlled the southern half of the, maintaining the former territories, while Goguryeo controlled the northern half of the Korean Peninsula, Manchuria and the, uniting, and other states in the former territories.was a highly militaristic state; it was a powerful empire and one of the great powers in, reaching its zenith in the 5th century when its territories expanded to encompass most of Manchuria to the north, parts of to the west, parts of Russia to the east, and the Seoul region to the south.

Goguryeo experienced a golden age under and his son, who both subdued Baekje and Silla during their times, achieving a brief unification of the and becoming the most dominant power on the Korean Peninsula. In addition to contesting for control of the Korean Peninsula, Goguryeo had many with various Chinese dynasties, most notably the, in which Goguryeo defeated a huge force said to number over a million men.

In 642, the powerful general led a coup and gained complete control over Goguryeo. In response, Emperor of China led a, but was defeated and retreated.

After the death of Tang Taizong, his son Emperor allied with the Korean kingdom of Silla and invaded Goguryeo again, but was unable to overcome Goguryeo's stalwart defenses and was defeated in 662. However, Yeon Gaesomun died of a natural cause in 666 and Goguryeo was thrown into chaos and weakened by a succession struggle among his sons and younger brother, with his eldest son defecting to and his younger brother defecting to Silla. The Tang-Silla alliance finally conquered Goguryeo in 668. After the collapse of Goguryeo, Tang and Silla ended their alliance and fought over control of the Korean Peninsula. Silla succeeded in gaining control over most of the Korean Peninsula, while Tang gained control over Goguryeo's northern territories.

However, 30 years after the fall of Goguryeo, a Goguryeo general by the name of founded the Korean-Mohe state of and successfully expelled the Tang presence from much of the former Goguryeo territories. From the era, aThe southwestern Korean kingdom of was founded around modern-day by a, a son of the.

Baekje absorbed all of the states and subjugated most of the western Korean peninsula (including the modern provinces of, and, as well as parts of and ) to a centralised government; during the expansion of its territory, Baekje acquired Chinese culture and technology through maritime contacts with the. Baekje was a great maritime power; its nautical skill, which made it the of East Asia, was instrumental in the dissemination of Buddhism throughout East Asia and continental culture to Japan. Historic evidence suggests that Japanese culture, art, and language were influenced by the kingdom of Baekje and Korea itself; Baekje also played an important role in transmitting advanced Chinese culture to the Japanese archipelago.

Baekje was once a great military power on the Korean Peninsula, most notably in the 4th century during the rule of when its influence extended across the sea to and in China, taking advantage of the weakened state of, and in the Japanese archipelago; however, Baekje was critically defeated by Gwanggaeto the Great and declined. The, at the end of the 5th centuryAlthough later records claim that was the oldest of the, it is now believed to have been the last kingdom to develop. By the 2nd century, Silla existed as a large state in the southeast, occupying and influencing its neighboring city-states. In 562, Silla annexed the which was located between Baekje and Silla. The Three Kingdoms of Korea often warred with each other and Silla was often dominated by Baekje and Goguryeo.

Silla was the smallest and weakest of the three, but it used cunning diplomatic means to make opportunistic pacts and alliances with the more powerful Korean kingdoms, and eventually Tang China, to its great advantage. In 660, King ordered his armies to attack. General, aided by forces, conquered Baekje after defeating General at the.

In 661, Silla and Tang attacked Goguryeo but were repelled. King, son of Muyeol and nephew of General Kim Yu-shin, launched another campaign in 667 and Goguryeo fell in the following year.North-South States Period. Main articles:, andBeginning in the 6th century, 's power gradually extended across the Korean Peninsula. Silla first annexed the adjacent in 562.

By the 640s, Silla formed an alliance with the of China to conquer and later. After conquering Baekje and Goguryeo, Silla repulsed Tang China from the Korean peninsula in 676.

Even though Silla unified most of the Korean Peninsula, most of the Goguryeo territories to the north of the Korean Peninsula were ruled. Former Goguryeo general or chief of Sumo Mohe led a group of Goguryeo and refugees to the and founded the kingdom of, 30 years after the collapse of Goguryeo, as the successor to Goguryeo. At its height, Balhae's territories extended from southern down to the northern Korean peninsula. Balhae was called the 'Prosperous Country in the East'. And in the 8th century ADcarried on the maritime prowess of, which acted like the of medieval, and during the 8th and 9th centuries dominated the seas of East Asia and the trade between China, Korea and Japan, most notably during the time of; in addition, Silla people made overseas communities in China on the and the mouth of the.

Later Silla was a prosperous and wealthy country, and its metropolitan capital of was the fourth largest city in the world. Later Silla was a golden age of art and culture, as evidenced by the,.

Buddhism flourished during this time, and many Korean Buddhists gained great fame among Chinese Buddhists and contributed to Chinese Buddhism, including:, and, a Silla prince whose influence made one of the Four of Chinese Buddhism.Later Silla fell apart in the late 9th century, giving way to the tumultuous (892–935), and Balhae was destroyed by the in 926. Unified the Later Three Kingdoms and received the and much of the ruling class of Balhae, thus bringing about a unification of the two successor nations of. Goryeo dynasty. Main article:was founded in 918 and replaced Silla as the ruling dynasty of Korea. Goryeo's land was at first what is now South Korea and about 1/3 of North Korea, but later on managed to recover most of the Korean peninsula. Momentarily, Goryeo advanced to parts of while conquering the, but returned the territories due to the harsh climate and difficulties in defending them. The name 'Goryeo' (高麗) is a short form of ' (高句麗) and was first used during the time of King.

Goryeo regarded itself as the successor of Goguryeo, hence its name and efforts to recover the former territories of Goguryeo., the founder of Goryeo, was of Goguryeo descent and traced his ancestry to a noble Goguryeo clan. He made, his hometown, the capital.During this period, laws were codified and a civil service system was introduced. Flourished and spread throughout the peninsula. The development of industries flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries. The publication of the onto more than 80,000 wooden blocks and the invention of the world's first metal in the 13th century attest to Goryeo's cultural achievements. Goryeo in 1374Goryeo had to defend frequently against attacks by nomadic empires, especially the and the. Goryeo had a hostile relationship with the Khitans, because the had destroyed, also a successor state of Goguryeo.

In 993, the Khitans, who had established the in 907, demanding that it make amity with them. Goryeo sent the diplomat to negotiate, who successfully persuaded the Khitans to let Goryeo expand to the banks of the, citing that in the past the land belonged to Goguryeo, the predecessor of Goryeo.

During the, the Khitan Empire invaded Korea twice more in and, but was defeated.After defeating the Khitan Empire, which was the most powerful empire of its time, Goryeo experienced a golden age that lasted a century, during which the was completed, and there were great developments in printing and publishing, promoting learning and dispersing knowledge on philosophy, literature, religion, and science; by 1100, there were 12 universities that produced famous scholars and scientists.Goryeo was in seven major campaigns from the 1230s until the 1270s, but was never conquered. Exhausted after decades of fighting, Goryeo sent its to the capital to swear allegiance to the Mongols; accepted, and married one of his daughters to the Korean crown prince, and the dynastic line of Goryeo continued to survive of the Mongol Yuan dynasty as a semi-autonomous vassal state and compulsory ally.

The two nations became intertwined for 80 years as all subsequent Korean kings married Mongol princesses, and the of the Yuan dynasty was a Korean princess. In the 1350s, was free at last to reform the Goryeo government when the Yuan dynasty began to crumble. Gongmin had various problems that needed to be dealt with, which included the removal of pro-Mongol aristocrats and military officials, the question of land holding, and quelling the growing animosity between the Buddhists and scholars. During this tumultuous period, Goryeo momentarily conquered in 1356, repulsed two large in 1359 and 1360, and defeated the final attempt by the Yuan to dominate Goryeo when General defeated a Mongol in 1364. During the 1380s, Goryeo turned its attention to the threat and used created by to annihilate hundreds of pirate ships.Joseon dynasty. In 1392, the general overthrew the dynasty after he staged a coup and defeated General. Yi Seong-gye named his new dynasty and moved the capital from to (formerly Hanyang; modern-day ) and built the palace.

In 1394, he adopted as the country's official ideology, resulting in much loss of power and wealth by the. The prevailing philosophy of the Joseon dynasty was, which was epitomized by the class, scholars who passed up positions of wealth and power to lead lives of study and integrity.Joseon was a nominal tributary state of but exercised full sovereignty, and maintained the highest position among China's tributary states, which also included countries such as the, Vietnam, Burma, Brunei, Laos, Thailand, and the Philippines, among others. In addition, Joseon received tribute from Jurchens and Japanese until the 17th century, and had a small enclave in the Ryukyu Kingdom that engaged in trade with Siam and Java.During the 15th and 16th centuries, Joseon enjoyed many benevolent rulers who promoted education and science. Most notable among them was (r.

1418–50), who personally created and promulgated, the Korean alphabet. This golden age saw great cultural and scientific advancements, including in printing, astronomy, calendar science, military technology, geography, cartography, medicine, and agricultural technology, some of which were unrivaled elsewhere. Joseon implemented a class system that consisted of the noble class, jungin the middle class, yangin the common class, and cheonin the lowest class, which included occupations such as butchers, tanners, shamans, entertainers, and, the equivalent of slaves, bondservants, or.In 1592 and again in 1597, the; the Korean military at the time was unprepared and untrained, due to two centuries of peace on the.

Intended to conquer and through the Korean Peninsula, but was defeated by strong resistance from the, the naval superiority of Admiral and his, and assistance from of. However, Joseon experienced great destruction, including a tremendous loss of cultural sites such as temples and palaces to Japanese pillaging, and the Japanese brought back to Japan an estimated 100,000–200,000 cut from Korean victims. Less than 30 years after the Japanese invasions, the took advantage of Joseon's war-weakened state and in 1627 and 1637, and then went on to the destabilized Ming dynasty.After normalizing relations with the new, Joseon experienced a nearly 200-year period of peace. Kings and led a new renaissance of the Joseon dynasty during the 18th century.In the 19th century, the royal in-law families gained control of the government, leading to mass corruption and weakening of the state, with severe poverty and peasant rebellions spreading throughout the country. Furthermore, the Joseon government adopted a strict isolationist policy, earning the nickname 'the ', but ultimately failed to protect itself against and was forced to open its borders, beginning an era leading into.Korean Empire.

The earliest surviving depiction of the Korean flag was printed in a US Navy book Flags of Maritime Nations in July 1889.Beginning in 1871, began to exert more influence in Korea, forcing it out of China's traditional sphere of influence. As a result of the Sino-Japanese War (1894–95), the had to give up such a position according to Article 1 of the, which was concluded between China and Japan in 1895. That same year, of Korea was assassinated by Japanese agents.In 1897, the proclaimed the (1897–1910). During this brief period, Korea had some success in modernizing the military, economy, real property laws, education system, and various industries., Japan, and the all invested in the country and sought to influence it politically.In 1904, the pushed the Russians out of the fight for Korea. In on 26 October 1909, assassinated the former, for his role in trying to force Korea into occupation.Japanese occupation and Japan-Korea Annexation. The memorial tablet for the in Pagoda Park, SeoulIn 1910, an already militarily occupied Korea was a forced party to the.

The treaty was signed by, who was given the General Power of Attorney by the Emperor. However, the Emperor is said to have not actually ratified the treaty according to Yi Tae-jin. There is a long dispute whether this treaty was legal or illegal due to its signing under duress, threat of force and bribes.Korean resistance to the brutal Japanese occupation was manifested in the nonviolent of 1919, during which 7,000 demonstrators were killed by Japanese police and military. The also spread to neighbouring and.Over five million were conscripted for labour beginning in 1939, and tens of thousands of men were forced into Japan's military. Nearly 400,000 Korean labourers died. Approximately 200,000 girls and women, mostly from China and Korea, were forced into sexual slavery for the Japanese military. In 1993, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary acknowledged the terrible injustices faced by these euphemistically named '.During the Japanese annexation, the Korean language was suppressed in an effort to eradicate Korean national identity.

Koreans were forced to take Japanese surnames, known as. Traditional suffered heavy losses, as numerous Korean cultural artifacts were destroyed or taken to Japan. To this day, valuable Korean artifacts can often be found in Japanese museums or among private collections. One investigation by the South Korean government identified 75,311 cultural assets that were taken from Korea, 34,369 in Japan and 17,803 in the.

However, experts estimate that over 100,000 artifacts actually remain in Japan. Japanese officials considered returning Korean cultural properties, but to date this has not occurred. Korea and Japan still dispute the ownership of the, islets located east of the Korean Peninsula.There was a significant level of emigration to the overseas territories of the during the Japanese occupation period, including. By the end of, there were over 850,000 Japanese settlers in Korea. After World War II, most of these repatriated to Japan.Division. Satellite image of the Korean peninsula taken at night showing the extent of the division between the Koreas; note the difference in light emitted between the two countriesThe aftermath of World War II left Korea partitioned along the 38th parallel, with the north under Soviet occupation and the south under US occupation supported by other allied states. Consequently, North Korea, a Soviet-style socialist republic was established in the north and South Korea; a Western-style regime,.North Korea is a, now centred on 's ideology, with a industrial economy.

South Korea is a with a, alongside membership in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the. The two states have greatly diverged both culturally and economically since their partition, though they still share a common traditional culture and pre-Cold War history.Since the 1960s, the South Korean economy has grown enormously and the economic structure was radically transformed. In 1957, South Korea had a lower than, and by 2008 it was 17 times as high as Ghana's.According to, executions, and concentration camps were responsible for over one million deaths in North Korea from 1948 to 1987; others have estimated 400,000 deaths in concentration camps alone. Estimates based on the most recent North Korean census suggest that 240,000 to 420,000 people died as a result of the and that there were 600,000 to 850,000 unnatural deaths in North Korea from 1993 to 2008. In South Korea, as guerrilla activities expanded, the South Korean government used strong measures against peasants, such as forcefully moving their families from guerrilla areas.

According to one estimate, these measures resulted in 36,000 people killed, 11,000 people wounded, and 432,000 people displaced. Urban combat in Seoul, 1950, as U.S. Marines fight North Koreans holding the city.The Korean War broke out when Soviet-backed North Korea invaded South Korea, though neither side gained much territory as a result. The Korean Peninsula remained divided, the being the de facto border between the two states.In June 1950 North Korea invaded the South, using Soviet tanks and weaponry. During the (1950–53) more than 1.2 million people died and the three years of fighting throughout the nation effectively destroyed most cities.

The war ended in an at approximately the, but the two governments are officially at war. Main articles:, andThe combined population of the Koreas is about 76 million (North Korea: 25 million, South Korea: 51 million). Korea is chiefly populated by a highly group, the, who speak the. The number of foreigners living in Korea has also steadily increased since the late 20th century, particularly in South Korea, where more than 1 million foreigners reside. It was estimated in 2006 that only 26,700 of the old now remain in South Korea.

However, in recent years, immigration from mainland China has increased; 624,994 persons of nationality have immigrated to South Korea, including 443,566 of descent. Small communities of ethnic Chinese and are also found in North Korea. Afterwards called.is the official language of both North and South Korea, and (along with Mandarin) of in the Manchuria area of China. Worldwide, there are up to 80 million speakers of the Korean language. South Korea has around 50 million speakers while North Korea around 25 million. Other large groups of Korean speakers through are found in, the, former and elsewhere.The is debated.

Some linguists place it in the language family; others consider it to be a. Korean is in its morphology and in its. Like and, Korean has borrowed much vocabulary from the or created vocabulary on Chinese models.Modern Korean is written almost exclusively in the script of the (known as Hangul in South Korea and Chosungul in China and North Korea), which was invented in the 15th century.

Korean is sometimes written with the addition of some Chinese characters called Hanja; however, this is only occasionally seen nowadays. While Hangul may appear, it is actually a alphabet organised into blocks. Each block consists of at least two of the 24 hangul letters ( ): at least one each of the 14 and 10. Historically, the alphabet had several additional letters (see ). For a phonological description of the letters, see.Culture and arts. Traditional Korean dance ( Jinju geommu)In ancient Chinese texts, Korea is referred to as 'Rivers and Mountains Embroidered on Silk' ( 금수강산, ) and 'Eastern Nation of Decorum' ( 동방예의지국, ).

Individuals are regarded as one year old when they are born, as Koreans reckon the pregnancy period as one year of life for infants, and age increments increase on rather than on the anniversary of birthdays. Thus, one born immediately before New Year's Day may only be a few days old in western reckoning, but two years old in Korea.

Accordingly, a Korean person's stated age (at least among fellow Koreans) will be one or two years more than their age according to western reckoning. However, western reckoning is sometimes applied with regard to the concept of; for example, the or in the Republic of Korea is 19, which is measured according to western reckoning.Literature. Main article:Korean literature written before the end of the Joseon Dynasty is called 'Classical' or 'Traditional.' Literature, written in Chinese characters , was established at the same time as the Chinese script arrived on the peninsula. Korean scholars were writing poetry in the classical Korean style as early as the 2nd century BC, reflecting Korean thoughts and experiences of that time. Classical Korean literature has its roots in traditional folk beliefs and folk tales of the peninsula, strongly influenced by, and.Modern literature is often linked with the development of, which helped spread literacy from the aristocracy to the common people. Hangul, however, only reached a dominant position in Korean literature in the second half of the 19th century, resulting in a major growth in Korean literature.

Sinsoseol, for instance, are novels written in hangul.The led to the development of literature centered on the wounds and chaos of. Much of the post-war literature in South Korea deals with the daily lives of ordinary people, and their struggles with national pain. The collapse of the traditional Korean value system is another common theme of the time.Music.

Amitabha and Eight Great Bodhisattvas, Goryeo scroll from the 1300stradition has dominated Korean thought, along with contributions by,. Since the middle of the 20th century, however, has competed with Buddhism in South Korea, while religious practice has been suppressed in North Korea. Rice cakes with spicy gochujang sauce.Koreans traditionally believe that the taste and quality of food depend on its spices and sauces, the essential ingredients to making a delicious meal. Therefore, or red pepper paste and are some of the most important staples in a Korean household.Korean cuisine was greatly influenced by the geography and climate of the Korean Peninsula, which is known for its cold autumns and winters, therefore there are many fermented dishes and hot soups and stews.

Bulgogi and side dishesKorean cuisine is probably best known for, a side dish which uses a distinctive process of preserving vegetables, most commonly cabbage. Kimchi is said to relieve the pores on the skin, thereby reducing wrinkles and providing nutrients to the skin naturally. It is also healthy, as it provides necessary vitamins and nutrients. Gochujang, a traditional Korean sauce made of red pepper is also commonly used, often as pepper (chilli) paste, earning the cuisine a reputation for spiciness.(roasted marinated meat, usually beef), (marinated grilled short ribs), and (pork belly) are popular meat entrees. Fish is also a popular commodity, as it is the traditional meat that Koreans eat. Meals are usually accompanied by a soup or stew, such as (stewed ribs) or (fermented bean paste soup). Main articles: andThe modern South Korean school system consists of six years in elementary school, three years in middle school, and three years in high school.


Students are required to go to elementary and middle school, and do not have to pay for their education, except for a small fee called a 'School Operation Support Fee' that differs from school to school. The, coordinated by the, ranks South Korea's science education as the third best in the world and being significantly higher than the OECD average.South Korea ranks second on math and literature and first in problem solving. Although South Korean students often rank high on international comparative assessments, the education system is criticised for emphasising too much upon passive learning and memorization. The South Korean education system is rather notably strict and structured as compared to its counterparts in most Western societies.

Also, the prevalence of non-school for-profit private institutes such as academies or cram schools ( 학원), which too emphasise passive memorisation, as opposed to conceptual understanding, in students are criticised as a major social problem. After students enter university, however, the situation is markedly reversed. In Korea, university is hard to enter, and graduation is comparatively easier than entry.The North Korean education system consists primarily of schooling by the. The national literacy rate for citizens 15 years of age and above is over 99 percent. Children go through one year of kindergarten, four years of, six years of, and then on to. The most prestigious university in the DPRK is.

Other notable universities include, which focuses on computer science, which trains working level diplomats and trade officials, and, which trains teachers.Outside the formal structure of schools and classrooms in the north is the extremely important 'social education'. This education includes not only but also family life and the broadest range of within society. There is great sensitivity to the influence of the on the growing child and its role in the development of his or her character. The ideal of social education is to provide a carefully controlled environment in which pro- and anti-south influences. According to a North Korean official interviewed in 1990, 'School education is not enough to turn the rising generation into men of knowledge, virtue,.

After school, our children have many spare hours. So it's important to efficiently organise their afterschool education'.Science and technology. Main article:Ssireum is a traditional form of wrestling that has been practiced in Korea for thousands of years, with evidence discovered from Goguryeo of Korea's Three Kingdoms Period (57 BC to 688). Ssireum is the traditional national sport of Korea. During a match, opponents grip each other by sash belts wrapped around the waist and the thigh, attempting to throw their competitor to the sandy ground of the ring. The first opponent to touch the ground with any body part above the knee or to lose hold of their opponent loses the round.Ssireum competitions are traditionally held twice a year, during the (the 5th day of the fifth lunar month) and (the 15th day of the 8th lunar month).

Competitions are also held throughout the year as a part of festivals and other events.TaekkyonMain article:Taekkyon is a traditionnal martial art, considered the oldest form of fighting technique of Korea. Practiced since centuries and especially popular during the, two forms co-existed: one for practical use, the other for sport. This form was usually practiced alongside during festivals and competitions between villages. Nonetheless, Taekkyon almost disappeared during the and the.Though lost in North Korea, Taekkyon has enjoyed a spectacular revival from the 1980's in South Korea.

Main article: Independence Movement Day, March 1st, Independence Movement Day, commemorates Korea's declaration of independence from Japanese occupation on March 1, 1919. The name is derived from Korean 삼 'sam' 'three', 일 'il' 'one,' and 절 'jeol' 'day', the date of the uprising in 1919. Korea was annexed to the Empire of Japan on August 29, 1910 following the imposed Japan-Korea Treaty. On March 1, 1919, Korean presented their resistance towards Japan and Japanese occupation with a declaration of independence.

Following the conclusion of World War II, Korea was liberated from Japan and its independence restored. The newly established Korean government set aside March 1 as a national holiday to commemorate the sacrifices borne in the long struggle for Korean independence.Memorial day, June 6this the national holiday in Korea commemorating those who fought and died for the nation. In August 1948, only a few years after Korea achieved its independence from Japan, the Korean War, in Korea also known as the 6.25 war, broke out between North and South Korea. During this war, approximately 400,000 soldiers and some one million citizens were killed or injured. In 1953, North and South Korea agreed to a cease-fire, and three years later the Korean government established Hyungchoogil to commemorate the soldiers who fought in the Korean War.

Subsequent to its establishment, Hyungchoogil was reinterpreted as a day of remembrance for those who died defending Korea in all conflicts, not only during the Korean War.National Liberation Day, August 15this the day for celebrating liberation of the country from Japan in 1945 as well as celebrating the establishment of Korean government in 1948. Gwangbok means 'returned light' representing gaining national sovereignty from Japan. It was first declared to be national holiday in 1949 October 1. On this date every year, the president of Korea visits Independence Hall, and invites diplomatic envoys from many countries and all social standings in countries to Cheongwadae (the Blue House, the Korean presidential residence).Hangul Day, October 9th(also spelled as Hangeul Day) is a day that celebrates the creation of the (, Korean alphabet), which was inscribed to the in 1997. Hangul was created by in 1443 and proclaimed in 1446. Before the creation of Hangul, people in Korea (known as at the time) primarily wrote using alongside native phonetic writing systems that predate Hangul by hundreds of years, including,.

However, due to the fundamental differences between the Korean and Chinese languages, and the large number of characters needed to be learned, there was much difficulty in learning how to write using Chinese characters for the lower classes, who often didn't have the privilege of education. To assuage this problem, King Sejong created the unique alphabet known as Hangul to promote literacy among the common people. Hangul Day was founded in 1926 during the by members of the, whose goal was to preserve the Korean language during a time of rapid forced. Today, both South Korea and North Korea celebrate Hangul Day as a national holiday.See also.

Castello-Cortes, Ian, ed. (1996), 'North Korea', World Reference Atlas (2nd American ed.), New York: Dorling Kindersley,. Cumings, Bruce (1997), Korea's Place in the Sun, Norton,. Kim (1976), Women of Korea: A History from Ancient Times to 1945, et al., Ewha Women's University Press,. 'History', Asian Info.,: STJI, 2007. 'People', UMSL, 2005. Hussain, Tariq (5 March 2007), (PDF), The Korea Herald, Diamond dilemma.

'Korea information', WorknPlay. Mitchell, Richard H; Hicks, George (April 1997). The American Historical Review. 102 (2): 503. (Review of ).Further reading. Chun, Tuk Chu.

'Korea in the Pacific Community'. Social Education 52 (March 1988), 182. EJ 368 177.

The Two Koreas. New York: Foreign Policy Association, 1984.

Oberdorfer, Don (2001). The Two Koreas: a Contemporary History. Basic Books.

Focus On Asian Studies. Special Issue: 'Korea: A Teacher's Guide'. 1, Fall 1986. Shin, Gi-Wook (1999), Robinson, Michael (ed.), Colonial modernity in Korea, Cambridge,: Harvard University, Asia Center,. Hart, Dennis.

From Tradition to Consumption: Construction of a Capitalist Culture in South Korea. Seoul: Jimoondang, 2003.

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(2013). Brothers at War – The Unending Conflict in Korea. London: Profile Books. Joe, W.J. Traditional Korea: A Cultural History, Seoul: Hollym, 1997. Joungwon, A.K.

Divided Korea: The Politics of Development, Harvard University Press, 1975. Lee Ki-baik. A New History of Korea.

Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1984. Lee Sang-sup. 'The Arts and Literature of Korea'.

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The Social Studies 79 (July–August 1988): 153–60. EJ 376 894. Pratt, Keith L (2006). Everlasting Flower: A History of Korea. London: Reaktion. Tae-Jin, Y. 'The Illegality of the Forced Treaties Leading to Japan's Annexation of the Great Han Empire', In the Korean National Commission for UNESCO, Vol.

4, 1996.,: Glosters, archived from on 13 May 2008. 'How Does Korea Compare', (PDF) (briefing note), Organisation For Economic Co-operation and Development, 2009.External linksLook up in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.Wikivoyage has a travel guide for. Texts on Wikisource:.