How To Log Off Email On Ipad


You can either type in an email address or type the name of the contact you'd like to email from your address book. Fill out the subject and email body and tap send in the upper right hand corner and your message will be on its way. That's really all there is to it. If you'd like more tips on using email on your iPad, check out the links below.

I am a guy and I'll assume the first poster is too. First, I am embarrassed that my half of the population includes that person. That is not acceptable behaviour.

Secondly, as to your question, I have the same question and arrived at this page because I am searching for the answer. If it is possible to log out one username and login in another (so wife and I can use the same iPad), I have not found it. Changing your password or your username does not work (the latter is only for switching to a new username, which is not workable because one can only play 'with friends' if your username is the same username you previously told your friends). I have examined all of the options and help screens, but it is totally absent.

How To Log Off Aol Email On Ipad

5 years ago by anonymous. I discovered how to do it, although it's not very elegant. Download the free app 'Clean Master' and click through junk files,-System Cache-words free cache-clean cache-then, here's the good part-'Clear Data.' This step apparently clears your email and user name from your devise, but doesn't affect anything else; I guess because your games are stored on Words' servers.

How To Log Off Yahoo Email On Ipad

So, next time you try ro log into Words, you'll be asked to give your email address, and viola, you're in as whoever you sign in as. Now if you wish, just use the clean master app anytime you want to sign in as a different user on the devise.