Resident Evil 0 Chess Puzzle

Another early puzzle in Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster is the Chess Puzzle. This can be a tricky puzzle if you over think it and start moving the wrong pieces. Check out this guide to help you figure out the Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster Chess Puzzle! Another early puzzle in Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster is the Chess Puzzle. This can be a tricky puzzle if you over think it and start moving the wrong pieces. PC PS3 PS4 Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster Xbox 360 Xbox One Read Full Story Resident Evil: Zero Gamecube Extra outfits. Beat the game on normal or hard difficulty to get a Closet Key. Use this in the room where you found the Hunting Gun to get new costumes.

Resident Evil 2 remake has just released and there are a ton of new puzzles for players to solve. While some are simple combination locks, others are a little more involved and will require you to think a bit. Perhaps the trickiest puzzle revolves around placing 6 unique chess pieces in six electrical outlets to unlock a door. Insaf kardo mujhe maaf kardo pagalworld. Located in the Monitor Room in the Sewers, users will need to obtain the chess pieces before being able to complete this puzzle.
Thankfully, you’ll stumble across them as you explore the sewers.Once you have all six – including the three that are there when you arrive, you will need to put them in the right order. For those wanting to solve it on their own, there is a riddle on the table between the electronic boxes. However, you don’t need to read the riddle for this puzzle to be solved, so just put the pieces in the places we’ve listed below.Locked Door Wall:. Left – Bishop. Middle – Rook.
Resident Evil Zero Chess Puzzle
Pawn – RightAdjacent Wall. Left – King.
Middle – Queen. Right – PawnAfter all six pieces are correctly placed the door will unlock and you can go to the next location. We strongly recommend saving and healing up before you go into the next area, as there is a tough fight ahead of you. Remember, this is the only order the pieces will go in so don’t worry about the riddle being different. Once you have the door opened, you can either leave the pieces there or just put them back in your storage box.